Technology Resource Team
To recommend to the College Council technology practices, procedures, standards in planning the areas of instruction and information. TRT’s goal is for the advancement of technology in the areas perceived as beneficial by college departments, faculty, staff, and students.
Meeting Chair
Chair: William Howell
Agenda and Minutes
- Director, Information Technology (administrator) - chair
- Faculty representatives (4)
- Classified representatives (4)
- Student representatives (1)
The following areas should be represented by the mix of members:
- Career Technical Education
- Letters and Sciences
- Web services
- Network administration
- CC Online
- Student services
- Interactive television
Evaluation and Assessment
Continuous evaluation and assessment of the work of the Technology Resource Team are crucial for maintaining quality and pursuing institutional excellence and improvement.
- One of the recommendations that was brought forward from this year’s self-evaluation is that we conduct an awareness survey, this survey could be part of a campus-wide committee awareness survey that is sent out to all staff/faculty and students each spring.
- Self-Evaluation of the TRT Committee. Each year, the success of the TRT Committee’s own effectiveness will be evaluated through a self-reflection of the work and communications that TRT performed during the past year.