Facilities Committee
In collaboration with district facilities team members and the college and its departments, to develop plans to identify, prioritize, integrate, acquire, and maintain the facilities and infrastructure of the college. The Facilities Committee assists with the development of long-term plans for supporting the space needs and the capacity for growth of the college in support of the educational master plan, institutional priorities as expressed in strategic goals, and integrated annual plans.
Meeting Chair
Chair: Cody Pauxtis
Agenda and Minutes
- Director, Maintenance and Operations (administration) - chair
- Site Directors (administration) (2)
- Faculty representative, Career Technical Education (faculty)
- Faculty representative, Letters and Sciences (faculty)
- Faculty representative, Student Services (faculty)
- Classified representatives (2)
- KCCD District Office Facilities representative (1)
- Student representative (1)
Evaluation and Assessment
Periodic evaluation and assessment is critical to the Facilities Committee to maintain our facilities to the highest standard and learning environment:
- Prioritize projects brought forward by evaluating where they are in the facilities 5 year planning, do the projects support current and or future programs offered by Cerro Coso Community College.
- Success of the approved projects and self-evaluation of the committee will be evaluated through project completion and college surveys.