Curriculum and Instruction Council


The Curriculum and Instruction Council (CIC), a committee of the Cerro Coso Academic Senate, is the body responsible for reviewing and acting upon all proposals to establish or revise educational courses and programs. The CIC has responsibility for approval of all courses to be offered by the college, implementation of state-mandated curriculum regulations and policies, and approval of changes in degree and certificate requirements and general education requirements for the Associate in Arts degree, Associate in Science degree, the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum, and the California State University General Education Certification.

The CIC represents all Cerro Coso sites and academic staff through representation by up to 13 faculty members from different disciplines, as prescribed by the Academic Senate constitution. One of the members is the college Articulation Officer. The Vice President of Academic Affairs and the Instructional Office Specialist attend all meetings and act as resources for the CIC. Faculty members presenting proposals usually do so in person before the CIC, with meetings open to all interested members of the college community.

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