CORs and PORs

Course Outlines of Record

The course outline of record is the college’s official statement of the depth, breadth, and rigor of a course. It includes such details as the discipline name, course number, catalog description, amount of student contact hours, unit value, required student learning outcomes, the minimum qualifications required of faculty, content to be taught, appropriate instructional modes, approval for distance or correspondence education delivery, and more. The course outline of record is not a lesson plan or syllabus–which are tied to a particular offering of the course–but rather a document that guides and shapes those other documents. To look up the public version of any course outline of record, click on the link below and follow the prompts.

View a Course Outline of Record

Program Outlines of Record

The program outline of record report, while not the official statement of a program’s core information such as title, unit value, description, and learning outcomes (the catalog version is the official statement), nevertheless contains all these important details that are required when a program is submitted to the board of trustees for approval and to the Chancellor’s Office for acceptance: TOP code, CIP code, approval dates, planning information, and more.

View a Program Outline of Record