Safety and Security Committee


To protect the health and safety of employees, students, community members, and the environment; identify and address health and safety concerns and issues; and inform the college community of safety practices, procedures, and training related to health and safety. Cerro Coso Community College will make every reasonable effort to promote, create, and maintain a safe and healthful environment.


Meeting Chair

Chair: Kevin King

Agenda and Minutes


  • Program Manager, Safety and Security (administration) - chair
  • Site Directors (administration) (2)
  • Faculty representative, Career Technical Education (faculty)
  • Faculty representative, Letters and Sciences (faculty)
  • Faculty representative, Student Services (faculty)
  • Classified representatives (2)
  • Student representative (1)

Evaluation and Assessment

Annual evaluation and assessment of the Safety and Security Committee is crucial for the safety of our students and staff.

  • Evaluate safety and security by participating in drills and exercises to maintain preparedness at all times.
  • Assessment will be determined by success of the drills and response time to complete the drill, additionally assessment will be through college surveys.
  • Review of reoccurrence of incidents on campus and ability to respond to those incidents.
  • Survey results from students and employees related to safety and security on campus.