Budget Development Committee
To recommend, through a transparent, collegial, and inclusive process, a tentative budget to College Council that addresses the college mission and supports the educational master plan, institutional priorities as expressed in strategic goals, and integrated annual plans.
Meeting Chair
Chair: Chad Houck
Agenda and Minutes
- Vice President, Finance and Administrative Services (administration) - chair
- Vice President, Instruction (administration)
- Vice President, Student Services (administration)
- Faculty representatives (3)
- Classified representatives (3)
- Student representative (1)
Evaluation and Assessment
Evaluation and assessment by constituent groups of the budget development process and the linkage of resource allocation to planning is incorporated in the College’s annual Strategic Planning Survey. Internally, the committee will be assessed through focused discussion (debrief) at the end of each budget development cycle. The focused discussion will address areas such as outcomes of Strategic Planning Survey (if applicable), member understanding of their role, reporting out to constituent groups, having sufficient information to fulfill responsibility, meetings having meaningful discussion, and areas for future improvement.