
Guiding Principles
Mission, Vision, Values, Strategic Goals
Value of Participatory Governance
Participatory governance is a process and structure designed to enable those who work and study in an academic institution to share the responsibility for planning and guiding the institution’s direction and for the implementation of recommendations and decisions. While decisions are not always based on majority rule due to a number of factors, participatory governance shares the democratic belief in the inherent equality and dignity of persons and the goal of promoting mutual benefit and individual liberty through an open deliberative process. It is this process that, when embraced by its participants, can lead to effective governance and can result in an environment of innovation, respect, collaboration, and collegiality.
Structure of Participatory Governance
KCCD Process of District Wide Decision Making
The chancellor, through delegated authority of the board of trustees, has numerous committees, councils, and other groups who provide advice, recommendations, and/or formal proposals related to policies and procedures and other decisions necessary to the operation of the district. This participatory governance structure provides the chancellor with advice and recommendations, but it is the chancellor who has the responsibility for deciding on the route a proposal will take and on its final disposition. The complete KCCD decision making process is captured in the document Elements of Decision Making posted to the KCCD website.
KCCD Decision Making Flowchart | View detailed graphic
Cerro Coso Community College Process of Decision Making
Participatory governance at Cerro Coso Community College relies on advisory committees, each concerned with functions critical to the well-being of the college community. The decision-making process occurs through recommendations to the president from College Council. Sub-committees, associated committees, and constituent groups present items to College Council for consideration. College Council then considers the submissions, engages in dialogue, and makes final recommendations to the president. Although the authority to make decisions for the college rests with the president, great responsibility lies with the recommending bodies to provide the president with the information needed to make the decisions that are in the best interest of the college and its students.
Cerro Coso Decision Making Flowchart | View detailed graphic
College Council is structured to serve as the primary recommending body to the college president and works closely with associated and reporting committees to inform the work of the council and its constituents. College Council does not develop policy but may establish guidelines as recommended by the standing committees and task forces. Information is provided on a regular basis by representatives of human resources, the Cerro Coso Community College Foundation, and facilities construction.
Other governance and representative groups at the college include:
- Academic Senate (academic and professional matters of full- and part-time faculty)
- Administrative Cabinet (management)
- California State Employees Association (CSEA) (working conditions of permanent full-time and part-time classified staff)
- Classified Senate (governance matters of all classified staff)
- Community College Association (CCA) (working conditions of full- and part-time faculty)
- Student Government of Cerro Coso (SGCC) (students)
More Information
More information can be found in the Participatory Governance Model Handbook.