Interim Vice President of Administrative Services
Class of 1997
I am forever grateful to the faculty and staff at Cerro Coso Community College for the pathway to academic success they provided.
A Ridgecrest native, I began my college career immediately after graduating from Burroughs High School in 1995. In my two years at Cerro Coso, I had the opportunity to explore a variety of academic fields in ways I could not have at a university. The faculty at Cerro Coso introduced me to a diversity of thought and ideas far greater than I had experienced up to that moment in my life. I am especially grateful to the English department faculty for introducing me to Native American, Latin American, and South American literature and expanding my understanding of the rich cultural diversity of our world.
Building on the foundation of knowledge I obtained at Cerro Coso, I have been able to earn a B.A. in English Literature and B.S. in Political Science at Arizona State University and a M.A. in Public Administration at the University of Southern California.
In 2016, I returned to the California Community College system at Shasta College in Redding, California where I have served as the Associate Vice President of Human Resources and currently work as the Assistant Superintendent/Vice President of Administrative Services. Giving back to the community college system that transformed my life is a tremendous privilege and honor. I am able to serve because of the opportunities created by the dedicated faculty and staff at Cerro Coso.
Gregory Smith
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