May 2021
Change in the Mode of Delivery - Correspondence Education
- Doc 1 - Mission Statement
- Doc 2 - Revised Distance Ed Addendum
- Doc 3 - Board Action Approved CE Courses Fall 2020
- Doc4 - East Kern Section Plan 2020
- Doc 5 - Integrated Planning at Cerro Coso
- Doc 6 - IEC Minutes March 25
- Doc 7 - ISEP Charge and Composition
- Doc 8 - Sample ISEP Meeting Minutes
- Doc 9 - Sample Student Achievement Dashboards
- Doc 10 - December Faculty Development
- Doc 11 - Student Communication
- Doc 12 - Outcomes Assessment Practices at Cerro Coso
- Doc 13 - Student Inquiry Form
- Doc 14 - Students Rights and Responsibilities
- Doc 15 - Sample COLL C101 Syllabus
- Doc 16 - Student Enrollment Form
- Doc 17 - Library Research Request Form
- Doc 18 - Faculty Forms for Enrollment Management
- Doc 19 - Faculty Resources
- Doc 20 - Faculty Handbook Section on Plagiarism
- Doc 21 - Materials Checklist
- Doc 22 - Correspondence Process
- Doc 23 - Initial CE Support
- Doc 24 - August Faculty Development Training
- Doc 25 - Year-to-Date ISEP Budget and Expenditures
- Doc 26 - Organizational Chart for ISEP
- Doc 27 - Notes from Meeting About End-of-Term Workflows