2025 Institutional Self Evaluation Report

All individual items of evidence and documentation are hyperlinked from inside the document by means of parenthetical references. Clicking on the link opens files that are located in a dedicated institutional server.

Document titles, which show on the browser tab when opened, include the reference number (i.e., 1-001) and a specific description of the evidence (“Mission and other guiding principles from catalog (p 1) and website”).

In addition to uploading a folder to ACCJC containing PDF copies of all evidence and documentation cited in the narrative responses, the College has also created this webpage that contains a copy of the ISER itself and provides a complete list of evidence by standard.

At this time, the page is not linked from any other page on the college website, being available only to the peer review team, so team members may want to bookmark the page for ease of reference.

2025 Institutional Self-Evaluation Report
