2-001 |
Cerro Coso Community College 2024-25 Catalog (pp 63-64) |
2-002 |
ACCJC baccalaureate letter; CCCCO Baccalaureate letter |
2-003 |
2024-25 catalog (p 83); ENSL Certificate POR |
2-004 |
Program Review template (p 3); samples |
2-005 |
2022-23 Curriculum Handbook (pp 5, 9); samples |
2-006 |
Sample CTE documentation for new programs |
2-007 |
2024-25 Catalog (pp 103, 108-09) |
2-008 |
2024-25 Catalog (pp 64-66) |
2-009 |
POR template; sample PORs |
2-010 |
COR template; sample CORs |
2-011 |
2022-23 Curriculum Handbook (pp 16-18) |
2-012 |
CIC training showing credit hour calculation |
2-013 |
Sample red list of CORs needing review |
2-014 |
DRAFT 2024-25 Curriculum Handbook |
2-015 |
KCCD BP and AP 4020, AP 4021, AP 4022, BP 4023 |
2-016 |
Academic Senate By-Laws (p 6) |
2-017 |
Sample CIC agendas and minutes; sample BOT minutes showing curriculum approval |
2-018 |
2022-23 Curriculum Handbook (p 20); CIC minutes 9-16-22; CIC minutes 10-28-2022 |
2-019 |
Sample flex agendas showing sessions on teaching strategies |
2-020 |
Sample unit plan and program review showing initiatives for equitable outcomes |
2-021 |
Sample CTE advisory committee minutes showing equity discussions |
2-022 |
Outcomes Assessment Handbook webpage |
2-023 |
Sample COR, POR, and catalog entry showing learning outcomes |
2-024 |
Program Review template (pp 9-13); sample |
2-025 |
Sample department dialogue about outcomes assessment |
2-026 |
AUP template; samples |
2-027 |
Child Development AUP 2021-22 (pp 2-3) |
2-028 |
2022 Web Fundamentals Program Review (pp 24-25) |
2-029 |
Public Services AUP 2023-24 (pp 1-2) |
2-030 |
Allied Health AUP 2024-25 (p 1) |
2-031 |
Sample CTE Advisory committee minutes showing assessment discussions |
2-032 |
Communications showing required submission of syllabus with SLOs |
2-033 |
CAMS Syllabus report for deans |
2-034 |
KCCD BP and AP 4025 |
2-035 |
2024-25 catalog (pp 48-49); General Education webpage |
2-036 |
CIC minutes 3-22-24 |
2-037 |
2024-25 catalog (pp 54-57) |
2-038 |
2019 General Education Program Review (p 23) |
2-039 |
Long-term schedule |
2-040 |
Sample block schedule |
2-041 |
2023 Library Program Review (pp 20-24) |
2-042 |
Sample VPI email to initiate annual catalog update |
2-043 |
KCCD BOT minutes 4-16-24 |
2-044 |
Catalog webpage showing addenda; sample addendum |
2-045 |
Sample communications to students |
2-046 |
Sample communications to students with Navigate |
2-047 |
CTE Facebook page; ISEP student inquiry form |
2-048 |
Sample communications to students in Spanish |
2-049 |
KCCD BP 3910 and BP 3050 |
2-050 |
Materials from Communications CFIT |
2-051 |
Sample collateral from Graduate Communications |
2-052 |
ACMM Baseline Report Cerro Coso Community College |
2-053 |
Sample VPI email; 202470 spreadsheet Instructions |
2-054 |
Long-term schedule documents |
2-055 |
Sample program pathways; pathway visualization mock up |
2-056 |
Targets and Tactics, December 2023 (pp 6-8) |
2-057 |
Sample counseling agendas and minutes showing program presentations |
2-058 |
KCCD Program Award Dashboard |
2-059 |
Program Review template (pp 26-27); sample |
2-060 |
2021 Mathematics Program Review (pp 31-33) |
2-061 |
2021 Business Program Review (pp 51-52) |
2-062 |
2022 Web Professional Program Review (pp 42, 43) |
2-063 |
Associate degree data from Cal-PASS Student Success Metrics |
2-064 |
Distance Education ASP 2024-25 |
2-065 |
Sample PR data set showing disaggregation by distance education |
2-066 |
OAC minutes 3-1-22; Academic Senate minutes 2-17-22 |
2-067 |
CAMS outcomes submission page showing course mode disaggregation |
2-068 |
Sample AUP data set showing disaggregation by distance education |
2-069 |
Device and mobile usage results 9-9-21; Sample CVC report |
2-070 |
Sample CORs showing variety of instructional methods |
2-071 |
Faculty Evaluation form F/FT |
2-072 |
2021 Mathematics Program Review (p 34); Mathematics AUP 2023-24 (pp 5-6) |
2-073 |
Distance Education ASP 2023-24 (p 4) |
2-074 |
2023 Child Development Program Review (p 56); ZTC Implementation Grant Plan |
2-075 |
2023 Licensed Vocational Nursing Program Review (p 34) |
2-076 |
COR template showing distance education fields; samples |
2-077 |
Online training syllabus |
2-078 |
Sample communications about regular and substantive interaction |
2-079 |
Faculty Evaluation form F/FT |
2-080 |
Faculty Evaluation form C/FT |
2-081 |
KCCD Success Rates Dashboard showing online success rates |
2-082 |
DRAFT 2024 Distance Education Program Review |
2-083 |
Sample AUOs and SLOs from Program Reviews |
2-084 |
Sample Student Experience Survey results showing disaggregation |
2-085 |
Sample AUOs mapped to SES questions |
2-086 |
Sample unit changes resulting from SES |
2-087 |
Samples of direct information gathering |
2-088 |
CFIT webpage; CFIT Guide |
2-089 |
Sample materials from CFITs |
2-090 |
2019-22 PGMH (pp 12, 22) |
2-091 |
Sample SEAC minutes showing dialogue about success and equitable achievement |
2-092 |
Outreach webpage |
2-093 |
Sample other Outreach pages and forms |
2-094 |
Sample EAB Recruit screens |
2-095 |
Admissions and Records webpage |
2-096 |
Sample admissions resources and workshops |
2-097 |
Sample application and registration videos |
2-098 |
Sample communications with students through Navigate |
2-099 |
Student welcome letter |
2-100 |
Sample student to-do list in Navigate |
2-101 |
Sample Cognos report for proactive outreach |
2-102 |
Data on results of communication campaigns |
2-103 |
Counseling and Advising webpage |
2-104 |
Financial Aid webpage |
2-105 |
Sample flyers and announcements for physical and virtual enrollment events |
2-106 |
Sample onboarding workshops in-person and by zoom |
2-107 |
Sample high school presentation slide deck |
2-108 |
Online Counseling webpage |
2-109 |
Orientation webpage |
2-110 |
COLL course CORs |
2-111 |
Sample pages from the online orientation |
2-112 |
Flyers and other materials from CC Rocks |
2-113 |
Data on CC Rocks attendance |
2-114 |
College Placement webpage |
2-115 |
Guided self-placement materials |
2-116 |
Sample special populations onboarding materials |
2-117 |
Library webpage |
2-118 |
Sample Library Snapshot |
2-119 |
2023 Library Program Review (pp 24, 28-29) |
2-120 |
Online Reserve Textbook service |
2-121 |
Cerro Coso Coyote Howler March 2024 |
2-122 |
Diversity Resources Libguides |
2-123 |
Library AUP 2024-25 |
2-124 |
2023 Library Program Review |
2-125 |
Appointment-based tutoring data |
2-126 |
LAC webpage; LAC Canvas site |
2-127 |
Sample LAC promotional material |
2-128 |
LAC AUP 2024-25 |
2-129 |
2021 LAC Program Review |
2-130 |
Basic Needs webpage |
2-131 |
Webpages for Student Services Programs |
2-132 |
Sample SSEC minutes |
2-133 |
Student Government events across campuses |
2-134 |
Sample ISEP materials for student services |
2-135 |
Sample SS ISEP minutes |
2-136 |
KCCD Student Services Program Review Dashboard, prison ed plans 2018-23 |
2-137 |
Sample Counseling staff agendas showing trainings |
2-138 |
EAB Navigate Academic Planner, student view |
2-139 |
Materials for A&R transfer articulation training, spring 2024 |
2-140 |
Transcript evaluation training materials |
2-141 |
Basic Needs referral form |
2-142 |
Staffing requests from recent AUPs |
2-143 |
Recent Staffing RRAs showing student services requests |
2-144 |
EAB Navigate Interest Inventory |
2-145 |
Career Center webpage |
2-146 |
Student Employment webpage |
2-147 |
DRAFT 2024 Counseling Program Review (pp 21-22, 29) |
2-148 |
Sample transfer conference agendas attended by Cerro Coso staff |
2-149 |
Sample material for transfer month activities |
2-150 |
KCCD Student Equity Outcomes Dashboard, transfer rates for special populations |
2-151 |
Sample material for SS all-staff meetings |
2-152 |
Sample call campaign outcome tracking |
2-153 |
EAB Recruit report and communication tool |
2-154 |
Conversion report |
2-155 |
Student Government webpage |
2-156 |
SGCC Constitution and Bylaws |
2-157 |
2019-22 PGMH (pp 10, 20-21) |
2-158 |
BP and AP 5420; SGCC budget |
2-159 |
Student Government AUP 2024-25; 2022 Student Government/Activities Program Review |
2-160 |
Campus Life webpage; student ambassador application |
2-161 |
PTK scholarships and press releases; participation trend data |
2-162 |
Peer mentor program webpage; peer mentor application |
2-163 |
Ufellow job description; Ufellow application |
2-164 |
Student Clubs webpage |
2-165 |
Athletics AUP 2024-25; 2022 Athletics Program Review |
2-166 |
2022-23 Athletic Interest Survey Results |
2-167 |
2023 EADA Survey |
2-168 |
Report on Athlete GPA and units completed per semester |
2-169 |
Sample flyers for student activities |
2-170 |
Sample student events at multiple campus locations |
2-171 |
Application for equity-related funding |
2-172 |
Samples of promotions for equity-related events |
2-173 |
Sample promotions for Umoja events |
2-174 |
Sample program review data set showing disaggregation |
2-175 |
Sample KCCD dashboard showing student and course filters |
2-176 |
2023-26 Faculty Contract (pp 19-22) |
2-177 |
Program Review Template (p 31); samples |
2-178 |
2020 English Program Review (p 29); English AUP 2023-24 (p 9) |
2-179 |
Library AUP 2020-21 (pp 5-6); 2023 Library Program Review (pp 4-5); anti-racism libguide |
2-180 |
Counseling AUP 2024-25 (pp 5, 8) |
2-181 |
Financial Aid AUP 2024-25 (pp 12-13) |
2-182 |
DRAFT Program Review Handbook |