WileyFresh is a CalFresh alternative program that provides up to $291 a month for groceries to eligible students who cannot meet the CalFresh citizenship requirement.
Funds are to only be used to purchase groceries. Enrollment in the program would require
meeting all the qualifications for CalFresh except for the citizenship requirement.
After enrolling in the program participants would need to complete certain activities
or workshops and maintain specific requirements including enrollment in courses at
Cerro Coso.
Eligibility Overview
Must be a Cerro Coso student.
Must have a CADAA or FAFSA on file.
Meet CalFresh income Requirement.
Students are not to exceed 10 meals per week from another source.
Funds are provided once a month through an Albertsons grocery gift card.
Once funds are spent, no additional funds are provided through the program.
Students receive a card once a month. It can be picked up at the beginning of each
WileyFresh benefits should only be used to purchase food items.
Students must attend required workshops or activities. Otherwise, students will be
removed from the program.
Students must commit to attending the following:
Attend 1 WileyFresh tailored workshop
These will be available once a month
Attend 1 other workshop during the semester
Basic Needs workshops related to nutrition, financial literacy, or other relevant
Students are accepted on a rolling basis.
Please tap the button below to submit a Basic Needs Request and select the CoyoteCalFresh