Bishop Marketplace

Bishop Marketplace

During an Ohio State University 2017 study on Collegiate Financial Wellness, it was discovered that 58.7% of Cerro Coso students worry about not having enough money for food to get them through the month. That is 9.7% higher than the sampled average of other community colleges.

CC Marketplace was created to address food insecurity for students. It is Cerro Coso's belief that no student should have to learn on an empty stomach.

Supporting Your Basic Needs

Cerro Coso Community College Basic Needs Center strives to support students to be successful by ensuring their basic needs are met through resources, access, and advocacy. Basic needs include access to nutritious foods, mental and physical healthcare, technology, transportation, and more. Having one's basic needs met has a direct impact on the academic performance, mental health, physical health, and holistic well-being of our students.

Please complete the form below to connect with support. After you complete the form, a staff member will reach out to provide information and resources to the student. If you would like immediate assistance, please consider visiting the Basic Needs Center located in the Marketplace within the Student Center on the Ridgecrest Campus or calling (760) 384-6370. Students are welcome to walk in to access food and clothing supplies or connect with our team.

For more information, complete the Basic Needs Referral Form and one of our staff will reach out to you with help.

Are you getting enough to eat?

To confidentially request a free meal, please contact:

Check monthly student event flyers for activities that provide snacks/food.

How can I help?

Donate Money

Monetary donations can be made to CC Marketplace through the Cerro Coso Community College (CCCC) Foundation. The CCCC Foundation has established a new fund to collect donations that will allow us to create and sustain campus food pantries at all CCCC campuses.

Donate to the Foundation

Under Fund Designation,
choose CC Marketplace.

For Cerro Coso Faculty and Staff Only: If you are interested in providing monetary donations to this fund on an ongoing basis through payroll deduction, please contact Human Resources.

Are my monetary donations tax deductible?

The Cerro Coso Community College Foundation is a 501(c) (3) organization. All gifts to the foundation qualify for the maximum allowable deduction under the law. Donors should consult their tax counsel to determine the tax deductibility of any gift as it relates to their personal situation.

Additional Resources

CalFresh Program
Benefits Helpline 1-877-847-3663

Inyo County Department of Social Services Food Stamp Office (SNAP)
912 North Main Street, Bishop, CA 93514
(760) 872-1394
Hours: Monday-Thursday, 8am-5pm/Friday, 9am-5pm

Inyo Mono Advocates for Community Action (IMACA)
180 Clarke St, Bishop, CA 93514
email: (760) 873-8557, Chad Mitchel, ext. 103
Hours: Monday-Friday, 9am-4pm

For the latest updates, visit

Food distribution in Bishop, CA
Subject to Change

Salvation Army Food Bank
621 W. Line Street #106. (760) 872-2124
Hours: Monday-Friday, 10am-3pm
Must bring identification

United Methodist Church
205 N. Fowler St. (760) 872-7701
Doors open at 9:30, showers available, must sign in for services.
Soup Kitchen: Monday/Wednesday/Friday, 12pm

Inyo Food Services

USDA Commodities

Monthly Distribution
Big Pine
180 West Dewey Street
2nd Wednesday
10:30 AM-12:30 PM
137 East South Street
2nd Wednesday
1:00 PM-2:00 PM
211 North Cartago Street
2nd Tuesday
10:00 AM-11:00 AM
335 1st Avenue (NW)
2nd Thursday
1:30 PM-2:30 PM
356 North Edwards Street
2nd Wednesday
9:30 AM-11:00 AM
Lone Pine
120 South Main Street #9
2nd Wednesday
12:00 PM-2:00 PM
Tecopa Hot Springs
400 Tecopa Hot Springs Road
2nd Thursday
12:00 PM-2:00 PM

Mobile Harvest “Food Truck”

Monthly Distribution
150 South Fowler Street
4th Friday
3:00 PM-4:00 PM

Emergency Food Pantry

Weekly Distribution
137 East South Street
10:00 AM-12:00 PM
335 1st Avenue (NW)
10:00 AM-11:00
Lone Pine
120 South Main Street #9
12:00 PM-2:00 PM

For intake forms or additional information, please visit or call (760) 873-8557. This schedule is subject to change.