Marketplace Testimonials

CC Marketplace

How has the Marketplace helped you?

The marketplace has been a great help to me and my family. By being in the nursing program not being able to work the Marketplace has made it very possible to feed my family. I am very thankful for the marketplace.
– Tanickia Walker
Not only is it conveniently located, because I feel like I live at the school, but it truly helps provide fresh foods for my family.
– Kelsey Halsey
It has provided food and other items that have been very beneficial to my family and me.
– Jeffrey
I live with my brother, who is in high school, the marketplace has ensured I can maintain my financial obligations and maintain both of our nutrition needs. Overall the opportunity to have access to this food allows more security week by week.
– Trevor
Marketplace has helped me keep nourished while I continue my education. I find my studies are improved when I’m not hungry . Though I work, it's only part-time. Staying nourished helps me continue my work and school studies.
– Ronald

What do you like about the Marketplace?

The staff is very nice and helpful, there is also a variety of items.
– Jeffrey
I personally enjoy the large selection of items and the extraordinary service offered by the staff behind the counter. They have informed me of the other extraordinary options to ensure my food security and are always so pleasant.
– Trevor
like the friendly service. They are very helpful and I’m grateful.
– Ronald
I love the environment, kindness, and friendliness of the staff. Plus the ability to make many different meals out of the selection provided.
– Kelsey Halsey
Being able to get a hot or cold meal.
– Tanickia Walker