Kerncrest Audubon Meade Scholarship

This scholarship is open to

  • An incoming freshman or current Cerro Coso Community College student planning to transfer to a four year university
  • Attend any Cerro Coso Community College campuses
  • Have a cumulative transferrable GPA of 3.0 or higher
  • Be enrolled in 12 or more units
  • The scholarship is opened to students pursuing Biology, Ecology, Forestry, or related studies.

Application Requirements

  1. Completed Cerro Coso Community College Scholarship Application
  2. Current college transcripts
  3. Two letters of recommendation: one from an instructor, one from counselor, employer or other
  4. A brief statement as to why the student has chosen this course of study is required.

Financial need will be a consideration in the awarding of this scholarship. Scholarship award amount will be one $500 scholarship per year or as many as the change in value will allow.

Kerncrest Audubon Meade Scholarship

Kerncrest Audubon Society logo

The Kerncrest Audubon Society is an educational organization which promotes the protection of wildlife, especially birds, and works to conserve wildlife habitat. This scholarship is possible because of the generous gift made by Bob and Bernice Meade, long-time residents of the Indian Wells Valley, avid birders and active advocates for wildlife.

The CCCC Foundation is committed to helping students succeed in college through its scholarship program.

If you have questions about Scholarships please contact:

Candace Cornett
(760) 384-6221