Don Kumferman Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship is open to

  • High school seniors graduating from a high school in the Ridgecrest campus service area, or continuing Cerro Coso students
  • High school or college GPA of 3.0 or higher
  • Enroll in 9 or more units in the fall semester at Cerro Coso
  • Attend the Ridgecrest campus

Pursing the performing arts as a life vocation or avocation. Award amount will be based on the amount donated throughout the year.

Don Kumferman

Don Kumferman

This scholarship was established in honor and memory of Donald Kumferman at the time of his passing on May 29, 1994. Don was a creative, multi-faceted individual and was very active in performing arts locally and throughout Southern California. This scholarship is available to students planning to pursue the Performing Arts as a life vocation or avocation (includes the areas of acting, dancing, music, theater, and related areas such as choreography, writing, composing, backstage work, etc.

The CCCC Foundation is committed to helping students succeed in college through its scholarship program.

If you have questions about Scholarships please contact:

Candace Cornett
(760) 384-6221