Ready to Graduate?

Graduation Evaluation Deadlines
Planning to graduate in Spring or Summer 2025? Not sure what classes you need to finish? Meet with a counselor now to complete a grad check or evaluation.
For Spring/Summer 2025, schedule by March 21, 2025 and follow these steps:
Step 1
You can make an appointment with a counselor for a Graduation Check or Evaluation if you are due to graduate in Spring/Summer 2025. We encourage you to make your appointments now so you know what classes you need in Spring. The final Graduation Evaluation deadline to meet with a counselor is March 21, 2025. All appointments must be completed no later than this date.
(If you are graduating this fall, please continue to submit your petitions by making an appointment and completing Step 2.)
Appointments can be done by phone, in-person, or via Zoom:
(760) 384-6219 at Ridgecrest / Indian Wells Valley
(760) 384-6395 at Kern River Valley / Lake Isabella
(760) 872-1565 at ESCC Bishop
(760) 934-2875 at ESCC Mammoth Lakes
(760) 384-6282 at East Kern Center: Edwards AFB
(661) 823-4986 at East Kern Center: Tehachapi
(760) 384-6219 for CC Online students
Step 2
Complete a Petition to Graduate
Please note: The name that will appear on your award will be your legal name; however, preferred names can be used in commencement programs. If you have undergone a name change, you will need to update with Admissions & Records office.
Step 3
If you have attended any other colleges and are using those units to graduate or are using AP scores or Language other than English from high school, an OFFICIAL copy of your transcripts must be on file in our Admissions & Records Office. If your official transcripts are not on file, your degree or certificate will not be processed.
For Language other than English credit, order an official copy of your transcript from your high school. Order AP Scores from College Board.
The Admissions & Records office can accept secure, electronic official transcripts
through services like Parchment or Certree. Check with your high school or other colleges
to verify if they can send official transcripts electronically through a secure server
such as Parchment or Certree. If the other institutions are unable to send the transcripts
electronically, please have them mailed directly to:
Admissions & Records
Cerro Coso Community College
3000 College Heights Blvd
Ridgecrest, CA 93555
Step 4
After you have met with a counselor or advisor and completed your evaluation and Petition for Graduation, please check your email or the commencement webpage regarding important graduation information.
- Invitations and announcements
- Caps and gowns
- Rehearsal date and time
NOTE: ESCC students will receive communication via email from Greg Kost regarding the ceremonies on your campus.
Step 5
Pay any past due balances. A past due balance may delay the processing of your award. Check your student account or call Admissions & Records at (760) 384-6374 to pay your balance.