Common Courses
Common Course Numbering (CCN)
As a result of AB 1111, California Community Colleges are adopting a common course numbering system for all general education and transfer pathway courses. The purpose of the CCN system is to ensure that comparable courses across all community colleges have the same course number. The goal is to streamline the transfer process from California Community Colleges to four-year postsecondary educational institutions and reduce excess credit accumulation.
The chart below provides a list of courses offered throughout Cerro Coso Community College with a comparison of the current course prefix and number and the new course prefix and number based on the CCN system beginning fall 2025.
You may call Cerro Coso Counseling at (760) 384-6219 or your local campus counseling office and talk to a member of our advising staff regarding your needs.
Previous Course | Course Title | CCN Course | CCN Course Title |
ENGL C101 | Freshman Composition | ENGL C1000 | Academic Reading and Writing |
MATH C121 | Elementary Probability and Statistics | STAT C1000 | Introduction to Statistics |
MATH C121H | Elementary Probability and Statistics: Honors | STAT C1000H | Introduction to Statistics Honors |
POLS C101 | American Government | POLS C1000 | American Government and Politics |
POLS C101H | American Government: Honors | POLS C1000H | American Government and Politics Honors |
PSYC C101 | General Psychology | PSYC C1000 | Introduction to Psychology |
PSYC C101H | General Psychology: Honors | PSYC C1000H | Introduction to Psychology Honors |
SPCH C101 | Elements of Speech | COMM C1000 | Introduction to Public Speaking |