
2024-2025 Catalog Cover

The 2024-2025 College Catalog is available to students online.

Previous Catalogs

Catalog Rights

Students graduating within five (5) academic years of initial enrollment shall have the option of completing either: (a) the degree requirements of the College catalog in effect at the time of initial enrollment; or (b) any set of revised degree requirements published in a subsequent Cerro Coso catalog. Students graduating more than five (5) academic years after initial enrollment must adhere to the specific degree requirements in effect in any Cerro Coso catalog within the five-year period prior to the students' graduation. To maintain catalog rights, the student must maintain continuous enrollment during the five (5) year period. Continuous enrollment means the student must earn a grade of “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”, “F”, “NP”, “P”, “I”, “IP”, “RD”, “W”, “MW” or “EW” in at least one course each academic year. For the purposes of continuous enrollment, an academic year begins with the Fall semester and includes the following Spring and Summer terms. Petitions for exceptions should be directed to the Vice President of Student Services.

Catalog rights apply only to Cerro Coso graduation and program requirements. If other institutions change their requirements for entrance, graduation, satisfaction of general education patterns, or in other ways, it may be necessary for the student to meet the new requirements upon transfer, even if continuous enrollment has been maintained.