Coyote Telehealth

Create your profile on CoyoteTelehealth

To register:

  1. Go to
  2. Click "Sign In" as a first-time user. If you're on your phone, you'll be prompted to download the TimelyCare app.
  3. Use your .edu email address to create your account.
  4. Enter your personal profile information and medical history.
  5. Delete the TimelyMD app once your new account has been set up.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Coyote Telehealth?

Access to 24/7 medical and mental health support for all regularly admitted Cerro Coso students enrolled in the college

Who can use Coyote Telehealth?

Any regularly admitted Cerro Coso student enrolled in the college can use Coyote Telehealth.

What services are available?

24/7 Medical visits, TalkNow visits (24/7 mental health support), and Scheduled Counseling visits are available at no cost.

How do I log in?

Go to and follow the prompts. *Mobile users will be directed to download the app.

What can I be treated for?

Our physicians and counselors can treat/discuss a wide range of common conditions, and after talking to you, will decide on the best course of treatment. Some common conditions are:
Colds, Sinus Infection, Influenza (flu), Stress and Anxiety, Relationships, and Depression

How much does it cost?

There is no cost to regularly admitted Cerro Coso students enrolled in the college.

Can I get a prescription?

Yes, if the provider deems it clinically appropriate.

I'm under 18 years old. Can I access care?

Yes. Have your parent or guardian create an account through or the TimelyCare mobile app. Log in under your parent or guardian's account using their credentials. Once you select a service, select that the service is for "My Child," and add your information.

Visit for more information.