Welcome to Fall 2020

All Cerro Coso campuses are CLOSED due to COVID-19. Only a limited amount of classes and Learning Resource Services are available on campus!
All students and staff intending to visit any of the Cerro Coso Community College campuses for any reason whatsoever—including classes and scheduled work hours—must complete an on-campus visit form available on the college website prior to every arrival on campus. Students must complete the Student Campus Visit form. Faculty and staff must complete the Employee Campus Visit form. These forms let M&O, Campus Security, and site directors know who is on campus in case of emergency and for cleaning reasons. They also require the individual to affirm that they are free of COVID symptoms at the time of their visit and that they agree to abide by the protocols and healthy hygiene practices described in this document while on campus.
The only instruction taking place wholly or partially in-person at any Cerro Coso Community College campus for fall 2020 is classes supporting training for essential workforce activities (drafting, emergency medical technology, health careers, machine tool technology, and welding) and intercollegiate athletic classes.
Please help us keep our campuses safe by abiding by all Safe Campus Reopening Protocols
The beginning of the fall semester starts Monday, August 24, 2020!
Online Classes:Students can begin logging into full-term, online classes after noon on Friday, August 21. You must login by 8:00pm Pacific time on Monday, August 24. To log in to your online class: Go to insideCC (or insidePC, or insideBC, depending on your email address extension), or visit www.cerrocoso.edu/login for a tutorial on logging in to your class on the Canvas learning management system.
On-Campus Classes:You must attend the first class meeting if you are registered or on the waitlist for an on-campus class, or you will be dropped from the class or waitlist. Full-term on-campus classes begin the week of August 24, 2020.
Schedule Zoom Classes:You must attend the first class meeting via Zoom on the times and days listed in the fall schedule, if you are registered or on the waitlist for a Schedule Zoom class. Schedule Zoom classes begin the week of August 24, 2020.
Bookstore:On-campus store is closed. Visit the online bookstore for texts and materials: Bookstore
Navigate: Let Navigate help you stay updated on important deadlines, events, and activities; explore majors and careers; schedule your classes around the rest of your life, based on your preferences; and register with ease. All at no extra cost to you!
Financial Aid: If you have applied for financial aid, check on your status and additional information needed through insideCC. Login using your full school assigned email address and Banner PIN. Click on Financial Aid in the black bar across the top on the right hand side. Contact Financial Aid if you do not see the Financial Aid link.
Scholarships:The CCCC Foundation offers more than $100,000 in scholarships each year. Applying is easy.
Parking Pass:Ridgecrest campus students NOT required for the Fall 2020 term.
LRC Closure: Ridgecrest Campus. Tutoring services and open lab availability for individual study will be offered at the IWV, Bishop, Mammoth, KRV, and Tehachapi learning assistance centers in limited amounts on an appointment basis and require face coverings and physical distancing.
Campus Maps:Maps for each campus are available on the campus webpages. For example, maps for the Ridgecrest/IWV campus are on the Ridgecrest/IWV campus page.
College Assigned Email: Please check your college assigned email regularly. A Student Need To Know newsletter is sent out via email every week to keep you informed of all the activities happening around campus.
Student Employment Outreach: Contact the Career Center for more information.