Institutional Effectiveness

Together, the following documents demonstrate Cerro Coso's commitment to ongoing self-reflective dialogue about the linkages among the College's mission, master educational vision, strategic direction, individual department and unit goals, community needs, and student success as reflected in learning achievement data, SLO assessment, and program review.
Accreditation is a voluntary, dual-purpose process that schools undergo to ensure they are worthy of the trust placed in them to provide high quality learning opportunities and clearly demonstrate continual self-improvement. An accredited school is focused on a mission and goals for students, it is student-oriented and examines its students' performance continuously, it accepts objective evaluation from a team of outside peer professionals trained by WASC, it maintains a qualified faculty within an effective organization, it collaboratively assesses the quality of its educational programs on a regular basis, and it plans for the future.
Integrated Planning
Every year, the college undergoes a systematic planning cycle that supports accomplishment of its mission and leads to institutional innovation and improvement. This system for planning is informed by relevant data and information such as program review and outcome assessment results., includes regular participation by faculty and staff, and leads to goal setting and budget building.
Planning Documents
At Cerro Coso, multiple planning efforts are underway at a variety of institutional levels. The college mission drives the revision of the strategic plan once every three years. Instructional departments and operational units write annual unit plans which lead to section, division, and resource support plans—and ultimately to a yearly budget. The College submits special reports for state and federal agencies. And it prepares a variety of documents for internal and external constituents, such as the Participatory Governance Model and the annual Community Report.
Outcomes Assessment
Outcomes assessment is central to Cerro Coso Community College's vision to educate, innovate, inspire, and serve our students and community. Student learning outcomes (SLOs) are defined, assessed, and used as the basis for making improvements at the course, program, general education, and institutional levels. Non-instructional programs define and assess administrative unit outcomes (AUOs) of core operational functions. Some student services and learning support services assess a combination of both SLOs and AUOs. Outcome assessments are gathered and analyzed on a time period determined by the department or unit but at least once every five years as a core component of program review.
Program Review
Cerro Coso Community College employs Program Review as a major component of college planning for the improvement of student achievement. Program Reviews are conducted once every five years for instructional programs, student services programs, and programs in administrative services. In addition to degrees and certificates, instructional program reviews are also completed for the Cerro Coso local general education pattern, the honors program, and departments and learning support units like the library and the Learning Assistance Center.
The Progress Report
In the effort to sustain a substantive, collegial, and transparent dialogue about institutional effectiveness, the Progress Reports are periodic communications to the college community on matters relating to institutional planning, outcomes assessment, student equity, integrated planning, strategic goals, and accreditation.