Outcomes Assessment

Cerro Coso sign

Cerro Coso Community College is committed to the ongoing assessment of student learning in academic programs and through student services through a systematic, college-wide assessment plan. The results of assessment provide clear evidence of student learning and are used to make further improvement to instruction and services.

The College embraces the idea that learning assessment is a natural extension of instruction and student services and that all departments and units have a responsibility to regularly evaluate the knowledge and skills that comprise student learning and student achievement and make adjustments in operations or teaching methodology to increase student achievement.


The Outcomes Assessment Committee meets monthly to review learning outcome processes and provide guidance on outcomes assessment.

Position Name
Student Learning Coordinator Dawn Ward
Vice President, Instruction/Administrative Representative Dr. Corey Marvin
Administrative Representative Vacant
Program Review Chair/Faculty Representative Lisa Fuller
Faculty Representative Tyrone Ledford
Faculty Representative Jewell Ludwigsen
Faculty Representative Vacant
Faculty Representative Vacant
Classified Representative Ian Seiter
OIR Data Analyst/Classified Representative Bryan King
Student Representative Vacant

Curriculum and Assessment Management System (CAMS)

Use this link to enter your assessment data.
Course Outcomes Assessment Submission

You will need to sign in using your employee sign-on information to access the form. 

To complete the form, you will need the course name and CRN. Enter a separate form for each section offered unless you had an ITV course then enter all data under one CRN (as long as the rosters are the same). You will need to enter the number of students in the class at the time the assessment was offered, the number of students who completed the work related to the assessment, and the number of students who met the assessment. The form will calculate the number who did not meet. Complete the information for each SLO, then enter your signature and submit. Once submitted you should receive an email confirmation.


Annual Outcomes Assessment Report

The annual Outcomes Assessment Report is now part of the annual College Report Card.

Review of Annual Unit Planning Outcome Assessment Themes