Outcomes Assessment

Cerro Coso Community College is committed to the ongoing assessment of student learning in academic programs and through student services through a systematic, college-wide assessment plan. The results of assessment provide clear evidence of student learning and are used to make further improvement to instruction and services.
The College embraces the idea that learning assessment is a natural extension of instruction and student services and that all departments and units have a responsibility to regularly evaluate the knowledge and skills that comprise student learning and student achievement and make adjustments in operations or teaching methodology to increase student achievement.
View Learning Outcomes
To see learning outcomes for any Cerro Coso course or program select one of the buttons below.
Select a Course Select a Program
View Assessment Results
Assessment results for courses and programs are reported and analyzed in program review documents. Visit the Program Review page to see learning outcome results in context of the college’s evaluation of student learning and achievement.
Outcomes Assessment Handbook
The Outcomes Assessment Handbook provides an overview of the purpose, process, structure, and philosophy of outcomes assessment at Cerro Coso Community College.
Faculty Looking to Submit Your SLO Results?
We’ve renovated! Faculty can now enter SLO results through the Faculty & Staff page. Click the link to visit the Faculty & Staff page, and one of your choices on the Navigation bar is “Submit Student Learning Outcomes.” You can also get to the submittal page through Inside CC. Click on “Employees,” and “Submit Student Learning Outcomes” is one of your choices under Faculty Resources.