Mammoth Lakes

The Mammoth Lakes Foundation was founded in 1989 by Dave & Roma McCoy and a few of their friends. This was to be the catalyst in bringing higher education and the arts to the Eastern Sierra. At the time, local high school graduates and residents had few choices when it came to higher education.
It all started very humbly with a couple of instructors, a handful of students, a rented space in the Rite Aid Shopping Center strategically located next to the town pool hall. Cerro Coso Community College had been offering classes wherever they could find space, usually at the high school or in empty conference rooms.
Mammoth Lakes Foundation and a group of dedicated supporters secured a permanent building for the college and continue to support efforts to keep higher education an affordable option to those who wish to pursue it.
Students can earn an AA degree in a number of disciplines and have their credits fully transferred to a UC, Cal State, or to University of Nevada Reno.
With the cost of higher education, a major barrier to many of the kids and families in the Eastern Sierra, Mono County residents (1-year minimum) can pursue two years of college right here at home and will receive a full scholarship from the Mammoth Lakes Foundation to help them realize their dreams. To learn more about the Mammoth Lakes Foundation, visit their website at:
Transfer Scholarship
A Tribute to Dave McCoy
In 2021, MLF awarded its first Dave's Scholar Transfer Scholarship. The scholarship is awarded annually to an outstanding MLF scholar through a competitive application process. The scholarship provides tuition reimbursement up to $10,000 per year for up to two years at any California State University (CSU) campus, the University of Nevada Reno (UNR), a University of California (UC) campus or other public or private accredited college or university. The student must be enrolled full-time in a degree program. Maximum award of $20,000.
Scholarship requirements and benefits may change at any time.
For more information and to apply, please visit the Mammoth Lakes Foundation website at:
General Education CSU/IGETC Classes for Transfer
Emergency Medical Technician
Liberal Arts
General education classes on campus can be paired with a few online classes to complete a whole host of other degrees: Programs of Study.
Contact Information
Site Address
Eastern Sierra College Center101 College Parkway
Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546-1865
Mailing Address
Eastern Sierra College CenterP.O. Box 1865
Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546
Campus Map
Phone Numbers
Phone: (760) 934-2875Fax: (760) 924-1627
M-Th: 8:30am to 1:00pm
& 2:00pm to 6:00pm
Friday: Closed
M-Th: 8:00am to 8:00pm
Friday: Closed