Inyo County Local Resident ESF Scholarship

The purpose of the Eastern Sierra Foundation (ESF) scholarship is to encourage Inyo County college students (including Benton & Chalfant residents) to enroll in and attend classes at the Bishop campus or take Cerro Coso online classes in an approved educational program. All approved on-ground Bishop & online course enrollment fees will be paid, and up to a maximum of $500 for required textbook fees. The Scholarship will remain in effect to support 60 students each semester as long as funding is available to support the program. Scholarship requirements and benefits may change at any time. Maintaining good academic standing and progress is important.

For more information, please visit or call our Bishop Cerro Coso Community College Campus:

Cerro Coso Community College
4090 W. Line Street
Bishop, CA 93514
(760) 872-1565

Hours: Monday through Thursday from 9AM to 1PM & 2PM to 6PM.

We encourage students to turn in ESF applications during priority registration (November).

  • Scholarship Application Deadline for Fall 2025: 5PM on Thursday, August 21, 2025

Apply for the ESF Scholarship Application

For approval, be sure the following are complete: