Click on a Question below to go to the answer.
- How do I find out about 4-year schools?
- Can I transfer to an out of state school from Cerro Coso?
- Do "D" grades transfer?
- Do Credit/No Credit grades transfer?
- How do I apply?
- When can I transfer?
- How can I determine if my credits will transfer?
- Can I transfer to a four-year college without an associate degree?
- Are there a maximum number of units I can transfer?
- What if I take more units than that?
- What is the minimum GPA for transfer?
- What is an impacted major?
- What is a competitive GPA for transfer?
- How can I improve my chances for admission to the school that I want to attend?
- What is GE?
- What courses should I take before I transfer?
- When should I take the required courses?
- What is the IGETC?
- What is general education certification?
- What is certification and why is it important for transferring students?
- What are the differences between an associate degree and a bachelor's degree?
- How many units do I need for an associate degree?
- What is the difference between lower division and upper division courses?
- What is articulation?
- Does Cerro Coso have an articulation agreement with the school that I want to transfer to?
- Can I transfer to a school that does not have an agreement with Cerro Coso?
- What is the Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)?
- Do I need to declare a major before I transfer?
- What is the difference between CSU and a UC?
- What is meant by priority filing dates for the CSU and UC?
- How do I find out about 4-year schools?
- There are probably as many ways to find out about 4-year schools as there are schools. Cerro Coso's Counseling Services Office houses a collection of resources for anyone who is able to travel to the campus. Local libraries often carry college resources as well. Websites such as can provide a wealth of general information on colleges throughout the country and most colleges have their own Web page with a myriad of specific information. For anyone interested in campuses of the University of California system, connect to Those who are interested in the California State University System can connect to .
- Can I transfer to an out of state school from Cerro Coso?
- Cerro Coso Community College is an accredited institution making its courses recognized by other institutions. Depending on the individual institution's requirements, there should be no reason why an equivalent class taken at Cerro Coso could not be considered for transfer.
- Do "D" grades transfer?
- Acceptance of "D" grades is based upon individual campus decisions. Cerro Coso will not certify "D"grades for inclusion in the IGETC.
- Do Credit/No Credit grades transfer?
- The 4-year institution will sometimes accept Credit/No Credit grades. However, required courses for the general education or major should not be taken in this manner. Check with the transfer institution for more information.
- How do I apply?
- Contact the school you wish to apply to for a complete application packet. Additionally, many schools now have Web sites, which allow for on-line or downloadable hard copy applications.
- When can I transfer?
- Most students transfer after completing a minimum of 60 transferable semester units or 90 transferable quarter units. If you meet these unit minimums, you will often be transferring as a junior and your college work will be used to determine your transfer eligibility. If you transfer with fewer than 60 semester or 90 quarter units, the campus will often use both your high school performance and your college work. Contact the specific colleges you are interested in to determine what their specific policies are.
- How can I determine if my credits will transfer?
- This is an important issue that requires your careful attention. All California community colleges have lists of their courses that will transfer to the CSU or UC campuses. This is indicated in Cerro Coso's catalog by a CSU/UC designation next to the course name. At Cerro Coso, courses numbered 100-299 are considered eligible for transfer. If you are transferring it is important that you consult with the campus to which you are planning to transfer to gain assistance with identifying the specific course necessary to meet the transfer requirements. That institution will make the final decision on what will count toward your 4-year degree. You may also consult your college counselor or transfer center for assistance in determining which courses will be accepted for transfer credit.
- Can I transfer to a four-year college without an associate degree?
- Yes, however, by taking courses required for transfer, you will more than likely meet the requirements for an associate degree as well. Check with a counselor.
- Are there a maximum number of units I can transfer?
- Specific regulations vary from college to college, however, as a general rule, the maximum number of units accepted for transfer will be 70 semester units. (105 quarter units)
- What if I take more units than that?
- Most colleges and universities will accept 70 semester units towards the total number of units needed to complete your bachelor's degree; however, if you have taken more units than that, the content of the courses will often be used to satisfy needed requirements.
- What is the minimum GPA for transfer?
- The minimum GPA needed to transfer to a California State University (CSU) is 2.0.
- The minimum GPA needed to transfer to the University of California (UC) is 2.4.
- The GPA needed for transfer to private colleges varies so please check the college catalog. Some majors and some colleges are impacted and will require higher GPAs for admission.
- What is an impacted major?
- An impacted major is one that is very popular and more applications for admission are received during the priority filing period than the campus can accommodate.
- If you are applying to a major that is impacted, the GPA for admission may be higher and you may have to complete lower division courses for the major prior to transfer. Check with the individual campuses for more information on impacted programs.
- What is a competitive GPA for transfer?
- To be accepted to an impacted program or a very popular campus, the GPA for admission will need to be considerably higher than the minimum required. A GPA of 3.0 and higher may be required to be competitive for transfer admission. The GPA will vary each year according to the specific campus and applicant pool at that time.
- How can I improve my chances for admission to the school that I want to attend?
- The keys to improving your chances for admission are working hard, earning good grades and taking the right classes. Taking the appropriate general education courses is critical and for some majors it is also important to complete lower division major requirements to keep on track for timely graduation. Often outside activities such as work experience in the field of study you are considering, student leadership, extracurricular activities or volunteer work are also considered by the 4-year school. Contact the schools you are interested in or consult their catalog either in the Counseling Services Office or on-line for specific information on the colleges and majors you are interested in.
- What is GE?
- GE or General Education is a program of courses in the arts and sciences that provides a broad educational experience. Courses are usually introductory in nature provide students with fundamental skills and knowledge in English, arts, humanities, mathematics, social sciences, physical and biological sciences. Cerro Coso offers General Education Plans for completion of the Associate degree, UC and CSU transfer.
- What courses should I take before I transfer?
- For most students who intend to transfer as juniors it is important to take basic general education courses. In many cases you must complete at course work that includes general education courses that meets requirements in Written Communications, Critical Thinking, Speech and Quantitative Analysis (mathematics). You should also consult a counselor or the college catalog to determine which lower division major courses might be advisable to take.
- When should I take the required courses?
- Complete transferable courses in written communication, oral communication, critical thinking and quantitative reasoning during the first year of community college. Complete remaining units in general education breadth by the end of the second year of community college enrollment.
- What is the IGETC?
- IGETC, Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum, is a general education program which community college transfer students can use to fulfill lower-division general education requirements in either the CSU or UC systems. You must complete the entire IGETC in order to have it accepted as meeting the general education requirements at the transfer institution.
- What is general education certification?
- All California State Universities accept a common pattern of general education. If you complete the entire pattern prior to transferring to one of the 23 state universities, you should request that the GE Certification be sent along with your official transcript. All 23 state universities will honor this certification, that is, you will not be required to take additional lower division general education courses in those areas certified as already completed at Cerro Coso.
- What is certification and why is it important for transferring students?
- Certification of CSU GE or IGETC is an important step in the transfer process. The certification of GE is the official notice verifying that a transfer student has completed courses satisfying lower division general education requirements.
- The certification is separate from a student transcript. The request for certification of CSU GE or IGETC is done at the time you request transcripts be sent to the transfer school. To be certified, all courses on IGETC must be completed with a grade of C or better. The CSU GE pattern can include partial certification when only a specific area is completed or by completing the entire 39-unit pattern.
- What are the differences between an associate degree and a bachelor's degree?
- An associate degree is a two-year degree granted by a community college to students who complete a specified program of study, usually totaling 60 units. A bachelor degree or baccalaureate is a four-year degree granted upon completion of at least 120 semester units or 180 quarter units. Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science Degrees are offered by the California State Universities, the University of California and private four-year colleges and universities.
- How many units do I need for an associate degree?
- Completion of 60 units is needed to obtain an associate degree. There are general education, math and English competency and other requirements needed to obtain the degree. Please refer to the college catalog for specific requirements or consult a counselor.
- What is the difference between lower division and upper division courses?
- Lower division courses are offered for freshman and sophomore level credit. All courses offered at a community college are lower division courses. Upper division courses are offered for junior and senior level credit. These courses are not offered by community colleges.
- What is articulation?
- Articulation is the process of evaluating courses to determine whether coursework completed at one college will meet the requirements for admission, transfer credit, general education, or major preparation at another college.
- Does Cerro Coso have an articulation agreement with the school that I want to transfer to?
- Cerro Coso has specific agreements with a number of CSU and UC campuses. A complete listing of Cerro Coso's articulation agreements with these systems can be found on the "Assist" Website at .
- Can I transfer to a school that does not have an agreement with Cerro Coso?
- The articulation agreement simply makes the transfer of credit proceed quicker. If your transfer school does not have an agreement with Cerro Coso, classes will be evaluated for transfer on an individual basis. Cerro Coso counselors and advisors are happy to work with your transfer school to assure a successful transfer.
- What is the Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)?
- The Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID) is a statewide numbering system independent from the course numbers assigned by local California community colleges. In other words, the C-ID designation can be used to identify comparable courses at different community colleges. However, students should always go to to confirm how each college's course will be accepted at a particular four-year college or university for transfer credit.
- The C-ID numbering system is useful for students attending more than one community college and is applied to many of the transferable courses students need as preparation for transfer. Because these course requirements may change and because courses may be modified and qualified for or deleted from the C-ID database, students should always check with a counselor to determine how C-ID designated courses fit into their educational plans for transfer.
- Students may consult the ASSIST database at for specific information on C-ID course designations. Counselors can always help students interpret or explain this information
- Do I need to declare a major before I transfer?
- Not all colleges require you to declare a major prior to transfer; however, many do. For a specific CSU or UC campus, refer to information in the application for admission. For other colleges, check the college catalog or call the admissions office for that information.
- What is the difference between CSU and a UC?
- The California State University (CSU) is the system of higher education in California that grants the most bachelors degrees. The CSU campuses also grant masters degrees. The University of California (UC) is the research system of public higher education in California. The UC grants professional and doctorate degrees, as well as bachelors and masters degrees. The CSU has a more practical, career-oriented approach to education in contrast to the more theoretical approach offered by the UC.
- What is meant by priority filing dates for the CSU and UC?
- There is a one-month period of time when applications are first accepted for a specific term at the CSU and UC. Generally, the filing period for fall admission is during November of the previous year. Please refer to the application information for these campuses for more information.