Terms of Agreement and Satisfactory Academic Progress

By accepting Financial Aid funds, you are stating that you have read, understand and will comply with the following Financial Aid Terms of Agreement and Satisfactory Academic Progress policies.

Student Terms of Agreement

I understand the Following:

  1. I cannot receive financial aid payment if I am in default on any Title IV educational loans made to attend any college and/or owe an overpayment on any Title IV grant to the college and/or the U.S. Department of Education.
  2. I cannot receive financial aid payment at more than one (1) post-secondary institution for the same period of enrollment and therefore, I must notify the Financial Aid Office if I am receiving financial aid for attendance at another institution while attending Bakersfield College (BC), Cerro Coso (CC) or Porterville College (PC). Further, I cannot receive financial aid payments exceeding the maximum annual award.
  3. I must be enrolled in an eligible program leading to a degree (AA/AA-T, AS/AS-T), transfer or eligible certificate to receive financial aid.
    1. Certificates less than 16 units and all Job Skills Certificates are not approved for Title IV Financial
    2. Academic Development Courses
  4. I must have a high school diploma or a General Education Diploma (GED).
    1. Students may become eligible for Title IV aid through the ATB alternatives in one of two ways:
      1. If a student first enrolled in an eligible postsecondary program prior to July 1, 2012 (regardless of receipt of any Title IV aid), the student may enroll in any eligible program and can become eligible through one of the ATB alternatives.
      2. If a student first enrolled in an eligible postsecondary program on or after July 1, 2012, the student may only become eligible through one of the ATB alternatives if the student is enrolled in an “eligible career pathway program”. 
  5. My financial aid payments may be adjusted if my enrollment changes.
  6. Federal financial aid (“Title IV funds”) is awarded to a student under the assumption the student will attend school for the entire period for which the assistance is awarded and enroll in classes in their eligible program. I understand that if any of the following should occur I may owe all or a portion of my Federal Financial Aid back to the institution and/or the U.S. Department of Education if:
    • My enrollment drops below 6 units
    • I withdraw from all of my classes
    • My instructor assigns a Withdraw (W) or F
    • I take classes that are not in my program of study
    Note: The Federal Financial Aid refund calculation is based on my last date of attendance recorded by the instructor, or the midpoint of the semester. For online classes, the instructor on the last day of substantial participation reports the last day of attendance.
  7. My Financial Aid payment schedule may be adjusted or delayed depending on when I enroll for a class, or the start date(s) of my class(es) for the semester.
  8. Our freeze date is determined once per semester on the main census date for the term. We freeze units every Tuesday morning for newly received financial aid applications.
  9. I cannot receive financial aid payment for any units completed as a result of Credit by Examination. I cannot receive financial aid payment for any courses taken for Audit.
  10. I can only receive financial aid payment once when repeating a previously passed course.
  11. I understand I cannot receive payment for a Waitlist course until I am officially enrolled in the course.
  12. If I fail to begin attendance in at least one course in which I was enrolled, or I fail to appropriately or promptly withdraw from a course which I am no longer attending, I may owe funds back to the college and/or U.S. Department of Education.
  13. If I completely withdraw from classes, I may be subject to repayment of funds received from all Title IV programs. I further understand I will lose eligibility for future financial aid if I do not repay the funds.
  14. In the event of financial aid overpayment, regardless of the cause, I must repay the funds. This includes students who received financial aid funds and are later determined to be ineligible.
  15. The amount of financial aid I receive is directly related to the cost of attending college and my financial aid funds must be used FIRST to pay charges for expenses incurred. I understand I have the option to request my Cal Grant be excluded from the payment of these charges and to do so, I must contact the Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships to complete the appropriate form. I further understand I am responsible for all outstanding charges.
  16. The Federal Pell Grant has a lifetime limit of up to 6 years, 12 full-time semesters (600%) or until a Bachelor's Degree is earned, whichever comes first. I understand when I have reached 600% in Federal Pell Grant funds; I will no longer be eligible for a Federal Pell Grant. I understand the U.S. Department of Education will monitor this limit and I can check my status by logging into the Federal Student Aid website.
  17. I understand I have the option to decline any of my Pell Grants if I wish to preserve eligibility for future education needs. My request to decline Pell must be made in writing by contacting the Financial Aid Office and completing the appropriate form.
  18. Correspondence from the Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships will be emailed to my college-assigned email address or mailed to the mailing address on file with the Admissions and Records Office. All changes in name and/or address must be reported directly to the Admissions and Records Office..
  19. I must report any changes in my information promptly to the Financial Aid Office including name, mailing address, enrollment status and additional financial assistance resources, I receive such as scholarships, tuition waivers, and veterans or rehabilitation benefits.
  20. I understand The Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships reserves the right to revise my Financial Aid award at any time of the year if there are changes to my financial aid eligibility.
  21. It is my responsibility to visit my college website for financial aid announcements, updates, and to check the status of my financial aid.
  22. Academic and Progress Standards for the California Promise Grant (CCPG) Only:
    • Academic — Sustain a GPA of 2.0 or higher-If your cumulative GPA falls below 2.0 for two consecutive primary terms (fall/spring semesters, or fall/winter/spring quarters), you may lose your fee waiver eligibility.
  23. The Financial Aid Terms of Agreement and Satisfactory Academic Progress Policies may change at any time during the semester. In the event of changes, I will comply with all the new policies. I also understand changes will be posted on the college
  24. It is my responsibility to complete a designated program of study within the maximum time frame as specified in the Satisfactory Academic Progress Regulations and ensure all classes I take will fulfill my educational goal
  25. I understand my Pell grant will be in two disbursements for the fall and spring semesters and one disbursement for the summer semester.

I have read and understand the Satisfactory Academic Progress policies listed below. I further understand failure to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress may result in termination of future financial aid.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Policies

Note: All units attempted in the Kern Community College District (KCCD)-Bakersfield College, Cerro Coso College, and Porterville College will be used to determine satisfactory academic progress. All units from other institutions accepted for credit by KCCD will be used to determine satisfactory academic progress. Failed or incomplete courses from other institutions outside of KCCD may also affect my academic progress status. Students are permitted to appeal once per academic year.

Maximum Time Frame in Program:

Length of Eligibility: (Maximum in Program): Federal regulations require you to complete your academic program within 150% of the standard timeframe for your program. For example, if you are in a Liberal Arts A.A. program requiring 60 units of coursework, you will need to complete your program within 90 attempted units or your financial aid will be suspended. The calculation of attempted units includes all coursework at the KCCD as well as all other transferable coursework completed.

On a case-by-case basis, students may be permitted to receive financial aid beyond the maximum timeframe if there is a change in major or if a degree or transfer program requires units in excess of 90. If a student transfers in coursework from other institutions, we will count all attempted units accepted in the SAP calculation, for both progress and maximum time frame.

Maximum in Program Appeals: Students who have extenuating circumstances or major change may appeal for reinstatement of Financial Aid eligibility. Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeals uploaded in Verification Connection/Inside Portal (if required, paper forms can be submitted to the Office of Financial Aid) by the date indicated on the Appeal Form. Requirements include a counselor-approved Comprehensive Student Educational Plan, documentation of the extenuating circumstances, a statement of circumstance, and a Counseling Center Get Counseling session. Students granted an exception are placed on approved appeal status, and must meet the conditions of the Student Success Plan determined by the Appeal Committee. Not meeting the conditions of the Student Success Plan will result in TERMINATION of Title IV aid at all KCCD campuses and may result in denial of future appeals.

Academic Progress: 2.0 GPA and 67 Percent Completion

Maintain a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA (Qualitative Standard): To maintain satisfactory academic progress and remain eligible for financial aid, students must maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00. KCCD will review each student’s academic progress at the time of determining eligibility and after each payment period.

Complete a cumulative 67% of all attempted units (Quantitative Standard): To maintain satisfactory academic progress, students are required to complete 67% of the total number of cumulative units attempted. Unit progress is evaluated by comparing the number of cumulative units attempted with the cumulative units completed to determine whether the student is progressing at a rate that allows them to complete the program within the maximum time frame. The calculation of unit progression will be rounded up to the nearest tenth.

Warning: Students who fail to meet the unit and/or grade point average requirement after one semester will be placed on financial aid warning. Students in warning status will want to use the next enrolled semester to bring up their cumulative GPA, cumulative completion rate, or both to the SAP standards to be considered eligible for future financial aid.

Suspension: Students on warning who then fail to bring their cumulative units and/or GPA up to satisfactory academic progress will be placed on financial aid suspension.

Reinstatement: Students not maintained satisfactory academic progress and have been suspended from financial aid may re-establish eligibility by successfully completing the unit completion requirement and/or raising the cumulative grade point average to 2.00 during a semester or semesters without aid.

Suspension Appeals: Students who have extenuating unusual circumstances may appeal for an exception to the Satisfactory Academic Progress Regulations. Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeals uploaded in Verification Connection/Inside Portal (if required, paper forms can be submitted to the Office of Financial Aid) by the date indicated on the Appeal Form. Requirements include a counselor-approved Comprehensive Student Educational Plan, documentation of the extenuating circumstances, a statement of circumstance, and a Counseling Center Get Counseling session.

Examples of extenuating circumstances:

  • Death of a relative or other significant person
  • Injury or illness, including, but not limited to, behavioral health conditions, of the student or a relative or other significant person
  • Pregnancy or birth of a child
  • Homelessness
  • Loss of childcare
  • Loss or change in employment
  • Loss of access to personal or public transportation
  • Being a victim of a serious crime, including, but not limited to, domestic abuse, even if the crime was not reported or did not result in criminal prosecution or civil liability
  • Natural disaster
  • Change of major
  • Change of occupation

Students granted an exception are placed on approved appeal status, and must meet the conditions of the Student Success Plan determined by the Appeal Committee. Not meeting the conditions of an approved appeal will result in suspension in the next term and may result in denial of future appeals.


Grade Interpretation: A student completes a course as they earn credit by receiving a passing grade. The following grades count towards attempted units, not completed F (Fail), W (Withdrawal) EW (Excused Withdrawal), I (Incomplete), IP (In Progress), NC (No Credit), NP (No Pass), RD (Report Delayed). Either audit units or any zero-unit courses are not included in the attempted or completed figures as these units are ineligible for financial aid.

Program of Study/Major/Pathway: Financial aid is intended to fund students’ program of study, including any preparatory courses needed. Therefore, funding is not available for classes not needed to complete the program. Students may change their major; however, changing majors repetitively will greatly increase the likelihood of losing Financial Aid eligibility (due to 150% limitations) before graduation. Only 30 units of non-degree/remedial courses may be funded by federal financial aid. Students may also be paid for any repeated class (two times) if the student previously passed ('D' or better) and for repeating classes if they failed.

Failure to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress or comply with the Terms of Agreement listed above, may result in cancellation of my financial aid payments.