How To: Request a Student Worker

Student employment is now online!

We appreciate your willingness to employ Cerro Coso Community College Students.

Steps for Recruiting On-Campus Student Employees

Step 1: New Position Request

  • Complete a New Student Request/Request Federal Work Study Allocation form (See Forms).
  • Route completed request form to the Career Center MB228
  • The Job Development staff will notify you when your position has been approved.
  • Follow steps 2 and 3 to post the position and start recruitment.
  • Note: faculty may not request student employees, requests must be made by the department dean.

If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Marshall at (760) 384-6276.

Step 2: Request User ID

To post current openings, you must log-in to Jobspeaker. To obtain a user ID for Jobspeaker, fill out the Request a User ID form.

Step 3: Post Jobs on Jobspeaker

Access Jobspeaker with your user ID from step 2. For best results, use Google Chrome as your browser.