Calling all Coyotes! Are you interested in getting involved at your college, representing
your fellow students, and building community? If so, SGCC is a great place to start.
All positions are open and waiting for you to nominate yourself for office!
Elections (voting) | April 7 - April 11, 2025 (ballots open Monday at 8am and closes Thursday at 4pm)
Elections Announcement and Timeline (coming soon)
Run for an Executive Board Position
Every Spring SGCC holds a general election to elect a new executive board and a new
senate. Those interested in becoming executive board members should begin attending
SGCC Executive Board meetings, Coyote Townhalls, and keep an eye out for invitations
to self-nominate for a position.
Become a Senator
The Student Senate of Cerro Coso represents the collective student body. The Student
Senate aims to collect and share the student voice in an effort to improve the student
experience. Students from any Cerro Coso campus may become a senator, but they must
be available to visit a campus to assist with events.
The senators' roles include:
Planning and facilitating campus events
Recruiting new members and participating in outreach efforts for the college
Serving on college committees as a student representative
Collaborate with and supporting clubs
For More Information
Attend SGCC Coyote Town Hall (previously General Session) on the first Tuesday of
each month, 12:30-1:30, in the Lecture Center at the Ridgecrest Campus and via Zoom
[Register to attend via Zoom] All Students are invited to attend!
Join the Student Senate
The Senate is the representative body of the students of Cerro Coso. Senators collect
student interest and concern and represent students to influence change at the college
Meets with the SGCC Executive Board Tuesdays of each month at 1:00pm in LRC 722 -
On the 1st Tuesday of each month, this meeting is held in Coyote Town Hall (12:30p
in the Lecture Center, MB 250, Ridgecrest Campus OR via Zoom [Register to attend via Zoom]
Students with further questions on how to participate in the SGCC, or for more information
you may email SGCC Advisor, Tyson Huffman [].
The SGCC welcomes anyone who wishes to get involved. We will advise you in how to
participate in clubs, events, or any part of student life. We need you to help enrich
the student atmosphere, so join an activity and share your insight and creativity.
Do not worry, no experience is necessary.
Student Government Offices
Shall serve as the official spokesperson for the Students of Cerro Coso at Regional
and State endeavors unless otherwise delegated by the President.
Shall chair all meetings of the Executive Board and General Session in accordance
with the most current edition of Robert's Rules of Order.
Shall, in conjunction with the advisor, set the agenda, call the meetings, and notify
the Executive Board, as needed.
Shall, as deemed appropriate and in accordance with the Brown Act, have the authority
to call special and emergency meetings.
Shall serve on College Council unless otherwise delegated by the President.
Shall serve on Consultation Council unless otherwise delegated by the President.
Shall work with the Finance Manager to ensure that the SGCC adheres to the District
Policy on Finances.
Shall work with the Secretary to draft SGCC Executive Board and General Session meeting
Shall be responsible for working with the Communications Officer to communicate the
official positions of the SGCC.
Appoint Time Keeper and Parliamentarian as needed.
Shall serve as President in his/her absence.
Shall serve on Academic Senate unless otherwise delegated by the President.
Shall chair Senate Meetings in accordance with the most current edition of Robert's
Rules of Order.
Shall, as deemed appropriate and in accordance with the Brown Act, have the authority
to call special and emergency Senate meetings.
Shall be responsible for tracking and maintaining a list of Senators on college level
All Senator assignments to college level committees must be approved by the Vice President.
The Vice President cannot assign positions already filled by these bylaws or the SGCC
All Senators serving on committees must report to the executive board via the Vice
Chall chair and head the ICC (Inter Club Council)
Shall make certain that every student event is following college policy, Student Government
expectations, and is not breaking any laws.
Shall make certain that the proper paperwork for the Executive Board and Senate events
are filled out and submitted to the proper authorities.
Will bring all club events to the Executive Board for review.
Shall attend all Executive Board, Inter Club Council, and General Session meetings
unless otherwise delegated by the Event Coordinator.
Shall assist clubs in complying with the SGCC Constitution.
Shall receive monthly reports from the business office.
Shall report at Executive Board and General Session meetings.
Shall be responsible for getting fund approvals moved, signed, and documented.
Shall turn in necessary documents to the business office.
Shall work with the President to ensure that the SGCC adheres to the District Policy
on Finances.
Shall be responsible for establishing rules and procedures for spending and receiving
funds and remaining within budget.
Shall be responsible for the taking of accurate minutes of Executive Board and General
Session meetings.
Shall conduct a roll call and keep an accurate attendance record for Executive Board
and General Session meetings.
Shall maintain a complete and accurate file of all SGCC records and documents.
Shall work with the President to draft SGCC Executive Board and General Session meeting
The Secretary will provide the minutes to the Student Advisor and the President no
later than forty-eight hours after each meeting.
Shall be responsible for working with the President to communicate the official positions
of the SGCC.
Shall perform other verbal and technical communication functions, as deemed necessary
by the President.
Shall keep a record of all promotional material, electronic or otherwise, for at least
one year.
Shall be responsible for disseminating agendas and other SGCC materials.
Shall be responsible for working with the President and Secretary to ensure that the
posting of SGCC agendas is in accordance with the Brown Act.
Shall be responsible for coordinating the updating and maintenance of the SGCC websites
and social media.
Shall be responsible for creating and maintaining the SGCC group e-mail account.
Act as liaisons between the Executive Board, clubs, and the general student population.
Shall sit on college level committees as assigned by the Vice President.
Attend SGCC General Session Meetings and Senate Meetings.