Prepares students for upper-division course work after transfer to a four-year science
degree program.
Has several emphases in order to meet the needs of students interested in biology,
chemistry and physical sciences.
You can use this to:
Earn a two-year Associates Degree
Transfer to a 4-year science degree program
What will I learn?
To demonstrate proficient preparation for upper division science courses at the appropriate
transfer institution in the chosen emphasis: biology, chemistry, or physical science.
To perform hands-on laboratory and/or field experiments of all science classes safely.
To demonstrate mastery of the Scientific Method, including the experimental and empirical
methodologies characteristic of science and the modern methods and tools used in scientific
To demonstrate an ability to communicate scientific results, including as appropriate
graphically, verbally and in writing.
Note: Some courses within the major have a required prerequisite. If you feel you
have equivalent knowledge and skills to those included in the prerequisite course
through professional experience, licensure, or certification, you have the opportunity
to submit a Prerequisite Challenge to be reviewed by the Department Chair. For the
Prerequisite Challenge to be considered, you must submit documentation and verification
to substantiate the basis for the challenge. Please see a counselor for more information
about the Prerequisite Challenge process.
BIOLOGY EMPHASIS: The biology emphasis provides students with the core science courses needed for transfer
to a four-year institution. Graduates with a biology emphasis are prepared for further
studies which allow work in a variety of fields including: biochemistry, biotechnology,
botany, ecology, entomology, genetics, health, immunology, medicine, molecular biology,
oceanography, pharmacy, teaching, wildlife management, zoology and related clinical
fields. Physics requirements for biology majors can vary among institutions. Students
should check with a counselor concerning requirements for specific transfer institutions.
Complete all of the following courses:
5.0 Units Prerequisite: MATH C055 Advisory: CHEM C101, ENGL C070
72 hours lecture/54 hours laboratory. This is an introductory course for students
majoring in biological sciences and related subjects. The course covers principles
of cell biology, metabolism, biochemistry, molecular biology, genetics, and physiology.
Approved for IGETC Area 5B & 5C, CSU GE Area B2 & B3, Local GE Area 1.
6.0 Units Prerequisite: ENGL C070, MATH C055 Advisory: CHEM C101 Limitation on Enrollment: Acceptance
to the Honors Program or eligibility for this honors course as determined by the instructor.
90 hours lecture/54 hours laboratory. This is an introductory course for students
majoring in biological sciences and related subjects. The course covers principles
of cell biology, metabolism, biochemistry, molecular biology, genetics, and physiology.
The honors course provides more content and requires greater intensity and depth of
study than the non-honors class. Approved for IGETC Area 5B & 5C, CSU GE Area B2 &
B3, Local GE Area 1.
5.0 Units Prerequisite: ENGL C101, MATH C055
72 hours lecture/54 hours laboratory. This course is for students majoring in biological
sciences and related subjects. It covers organism diversity and examines the basic
principles governing evolution of organisms and their interactions with the environment.
The course sequence includes evolutionary biology, phylogenetics, anatomy and physiology
of plants, ecology, and the major taxa of protists, fungi, plants, and animals. BIOL
C111 is not a prerequisite of BIOL C112. Approved for IGETC Area 5B & 5C, CSU GE Area
B2 & B3, Local GE Area 1.
6.0 Units Prerequisite: ENGL C101, MATH C055. Limitation on Enrollment: Enrollment in this honors
course is limited to students enrolled in the associated course. Students will be
required to read and comprehend challenging materials and analyze in depth a chosen
topic appropriate for intensified study and be able to maintain a minimum standard
of coursework at the honors level.
90 hours lecture/54 hours laboratory. This course is for students majoring in biological
sciences and related subjects. It covers organism diversity and examines the basic
principles governing evolution of organisms and their interactions with the environment.
The course sequence includes evolutionary biology, phylogenetics, anatomy and physiology
of plants, ecology, and the major taxa of protists, fungi, plants, and animals. The
honors class provides more content and requires greater intensity and depth of study
than the non-honors class. BIOL C111 is not a prerequisite for this course. Approved
for IGETC Area 5B & 5C, CSU GE Area B2 & B3, Local GE Area 1.
5.0 Units C-ID: CHEM 110 General Chemistry for Science Majors I, with Lab
Prerequisite: MATH C055
72 hours lecture/54 hours laboratory. This course covers matter and measurement, atoms,
molecules, ions, calculations with chemical formulas and equations, aqueous reactions
and solution stoichiometry, thermochemistry, the electronic structure of atoms, periodic
properties of the elements, concepts of chemical bonding, molecular geometry and bonding
theories, the gaseous state, intermolecular forces in solids and liquids, modern materials,
and properties of solutions. Approved for IGETC Area 5A & 5C, CSU GE Area B1 & B3,
Local GE Area 1.
5.0 Units C-ID: CHEM 120 S General Chemistry for Science Majors Sequence A
Prerequisite: CHEM C111
72 hours lecture/54 hours laboratory. In this course, students learn about properties
of solutions, kinetics, chemical and aqueous equilibrium, acids and bases, buffers,
solubility equilibria, thermodynamics, electrochemistry, , solubility equilibria,
thermodynamics, electrochemistry, nuclear chemistry, and introductory organic chemistry.
Course previously known as General Inorganic Chemistry II.
6.0 Units C-ID: CHEM 120 S General Chemistry for Science Majors Sequence A
Prerequisite: CHEM C111, ENGL C101. Limitation on Enrollment: Enrollment in this honors
course is limited to students enrolled in the associated course. Students will be
required to read and comprehend challenging materials and analyze in depth a chosen
topic appropriate for intensified study, and must be able to maintain a minimum standard
of coursework at the honors level.
72 hours lecture/108 hours laboratory. In this course, students learn about properties
of solutions, kinetics, chemical and aqueous equilibrium, acids and bases, buffers,
solubility equilibria, thermodynamics, electrochemistry, nuclear chemistry, and introductory
organic chemistry. Honors students complete additional readings, problems, projects,
and/or presentations within the same scope of topics. Course previously known as General
Inorganic Chemistry II: Honors Undergraduate Research Laboratory.
CHEMISTRY EMPHASIS: This emphasis provides students who are planning on majoring in chemistry, materials
science, or chemical engineering at a four-year university with the first two years
of their core chemistry classes. Students should check with a counselor concerning
requirements for specific transfer institutions.
Complete all of the following courses:
5.0 Units C-ID: CHEM 110 General Chemistry for Science Majors I, with Lab
Prerequisite: MATH C055
72 hours lecture/54 hours laboratory. This course covers matter and measurement, atoms,
molecules, ions, calculations with chemical formulas and equations, aqueous reactions
and solution stoichiometry, thermochemistry, the electronic structure of atoms, periodic
properties of the elements, concepts of chemical bonding, molecular geometry and bonding
theories, the gaseous state, intermolecular forces in solids and liquids, modern materials,
and properties of solutions. Approved for IGETC Area 5A & 5C, CSU GE Area B1 & B3,
Local GE Area 1.
5.0 Units Prerequisite: CHEM C111
72 hours lecture/54 hours laboratory. This course covers modern materials, properties
of solutions, kinetics, chemical and aqueous equilibrium, acids and bases, environmental
chemistry, thermodynamics, electro- chemistry, nuclear chemistry, metallurgy, chemical
trends in the periodic chart, coordination compounds, and organic chemistry. Approved
for IGETC Area 5A & 5C, CSU GE Area B1 & B3, Local GE Area 1.
6.0 Units Prerequisite: CHEM C111. Limitation on Enrollment: Acceptance to the Honors Program
or eligibility for this honors course as determined by the instructor.
72 hours lecture/108 hours laboratory. In this course students learn about modern
materials, properties of solutions, kinetics, chemical and aqueous equilibrium, acids
and bases, environmental chemistry, thermodynamics, electro-chemistry, nuclear chemistry,
metallurgy, chemical trends in the periodic chart, coordination compounds, and bioorganic
chemistry. The honors course provides more content in the form of advanced topics
in chemistry and requires greater intensity and depth of study above and beyond that
of the non-honors class. Approved for IGETC Area 5A & 5C, CSU GE Area B1 & B3, Local
GE Area 1.
5.0 Units C-ID: CHEM 150 Organic Chemistry for Science Majors I, with Lab
C:ID: CHEM 160 S Organic Chemistry for Science Majors Sequence A
Prerequisite: CHEM C113 or CHEM C113H
72 hours lecture/54 hours laboratory. This course covers structure and bonding, polar
bonds, alkanes, cycloalkanes, stereochemistry, synthesis, structure and reactivity
of alkenes, synthesis, structure and reactivity of alkynes, handedness in chemistry,
synthesis, structure and reactivity of alkyl halides, carbocations, the concept of
resonance, nucleophilic substitutions and eliminations, basic biochemistry, mass spectrometry,
infrared, nuclear magnetic resonance and ultraviolet spectroscopy and aromaticity.
This Organic Chemistry I course is taught according to standards developed by the
American Chemical Society. Approved for IGETC Area 5A & 5C, CSU GE Area B1 & B3.
5.0 Units C-ID: CHEM C160 S Organic Chemistry for Science Majors Sequence A
Prerequisite: CHEM C221
72 hours lecture/54 hours laboratory. This course covers the chemistry of aromatic
compounds, alcohols, thiols, ethers, epoxides and sulfides, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic
acids and carboxylic acid derivatives, amino acids, proteins, amines, phenols, carbohydrates,
lipids, heterocycles, polymers, and biological systems. Pericyclic carbonyl condensation,
alpha substitution, and other reaction mechanisms are also covered. This Organic Chemistry
II course is taught according to the standards developed by the American Chemical
Society. Approved for IGETC Area 5A & 5C and CSU GE Area B1 & B3.
6.0 Units C-ID: CHEM C160 S Organic Chemistry for Science Majors Sequence A
Prerequisite: CHEM C221. Limitation on Enrollment: Enrollment in this honors course
is limited to students enrolled in the associated course. Students will be required
to read and comprehend challenging materials and analyze in depth a chosen topic appropriate
for intensified study and be able to maintain a minimum standard of coursework at
the honors level.
72 hours lecture/108 hours laboratory. In this course, students learn about the chemistry
of aromatic compounds, alcohols, thiols, ethers, epoxides and sulfides, aldehydes,
ketones, carboxylic acids and carboxylic acid derivatives, amino acids, proteins,
amines, phenols, carbohydrates, lipids, heterocycles, polymers, and biological systems.
Pericyclic carbonyl condensation, alpha substitution, and other reaction mechanisms
are also covered. This Organic Chemistry II course is taught according to the standards
developed by the American Chemical Society. Approved for IGETC Area 5A & 5C, CSU GE
Area B1 & B3.
PHYSICAL SCIENCES EMPHASIS: Provides students who are planning on majoring in physics, geology, astronomy or
other physical sciences with the necessary lower division courses in mathematics and
physics. The Math, Chemistry and Physics requirements for transfer vary among institutions
and students should check with a counselor for the specific requirements.
Complete all of the following courses:
4.0 Units Prerequisite: MATH C141, MATH C142
72 hours lecture. This course provides students with a foundation in differential
and integral calculus with emphasis on both skills and applications. Topics include
functions, limits, derivatives of polynomial, trigonometric, parametric, and implicit
functions, applications of differentiation, the indefinite integral, the definite
integral, and applications of the definite integral. Approved for IGETC Area 2, CSU
GE Area B4, Local GE Area 4.
4.0 Units Prerequisite: MATH C151
72 hours lecture. This course is a continuation of Analytic Geometry and Calculus
I, extending the skills of differentiation and integration by learning new techniques
and working with the transcendental functions. Other major topics include sequences,
series, polar coordinates and parameterization of plane curves. Approved for IGETC
Area 2, CSU GE Area B4, Local GE Area 4.
5.0 Units C-ID: PHYS 205 Calculus-Based Physics for Scientists and Engineers: A
Prerequisite/Corequisite: MATH C151
63 hours lecture/81 hours laboratory. This course covers the fundamental laws of nature
governing the motion of bodies and their relation to external forces. Motion in 1,
2, and 3 dimensions is covered as well as energy, linear momentum, angular momentum,
gravitation, fluids, oscillations, and simple harmonic motion. Approved for IGETC
Area 5A & 5C, CSU GE Area B1 & B3, Local GE Area 1.
5.0 Units C-ID: PHYS 210 Calculus-Based Physics for Scientists and Engineers: B
Prerequisite: PHYS C111, MATH C152 or concurrent enrollment
63 hours lecture/81 hours laboratory. This course covers electromagnetic principles
such as charge and matter, electric and magnetic fields, potential, capacitors, dielectric
materials, resistance, current, AC and DC circuits, induction, Maxwell's equations,
and electromagnetic waves. Approved for IGETC Area 5A & 5C, CSU GE Area B1 & B3, Local
GE Area 1.
5.0 Units C-ID: PHYS 215 Calculus-Based Physics for Scientists and Engineers: C
Prerequisite: PHYS C113
63 hours lecture/81 hours laboratory. This course covers the laws governing wave motion,
thermodynamics, optics, atomic physics, quantum physics, and other aspects of modern
physics. Approved for IGETC Area 5A & 5C, CSU GE Area B1 & B3, Local GE Area 1.
General Ed Requirements
Complete one of the following general education patterns: