Public Services Department Courses
Please note that college course and program curriculum is a process of continual change. Every effort is made to ensure the completeness and accuracy of the information below, but students should consult a counselor or the faculty chair for the most current details regarding course descriptions, course applicability to programs, and patterns of course offerings at each Cerro Coso Community College campus location. That a course does not showing a pattern of offerings does not mean it is not offered, only that it may be offered irregularly. Consult counseling or the faculty chair for more information.
Access the details for each course below.
Course Details
0.5 Units
Limitation on Enrollment: Enrollment is limited per Government Code 1029 and 1031. Must complete a background check and/or clear live scan DOJ under Penal Code 13511.5.
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
8-24 hours lecture/0-40 hours laboratory in-service training. This course is designed to meet the two-year perishable skills training cycle requirements for California peace officers. Instruction may include tactical communication, first aid/CPR update, tactical firearms, arrest and control techniques, and additional topics determined by legislative mandates and/or regional needs.
0.5 Units
Limitation on Enrollment: Enrollment is limited per Government Code 1029 and 1031. Must complete a background check and/or clear live scan DOJ under Penal Code 13511.5.
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
8-24 hours lecture/0-40 hours laboratory in-service training. This course is designed to meet the two-year perishable skills training cycle requirements for California peace officers. Instruction may include tactical communication, first aid/CPR update, tactical firearms, arrest and control techniques, and additional topics determined by legislative mandates and/or regional needs.
1.0 Unit
Limitation on Enrollment: Enrollment is limited per Government Code 1029 and 1031. Must complete a background check and/or clear live scan DOJ under Penal Code 13511.5.
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
8-24 hours lecture/0-40 hours laboratory in-service training. This course is designed to meet the two-year perishable skills training cycle requirements for California peace officers. Instruction may include tactical communication, first aid/CPR update, tactical firearms, arrest and control techniques, and additional topics determined by legislative mandates and/or regional needs.
1.0 Unit
Limitation on Enrollment: Enrollment is limited per Government Code 1029 and 1031. Must complete a background check and/or clear live scan DOJ under Penal Code 13511.5.
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
8-24 hours lecture/0-40 hours laboratory in-service training. This course is designed to meet the two-year perishable skills training cycle requirements for California peace officers. Instruction may include tactical communication, first aid/CPR update, tactical firearms, arrest and control techniques, and additional topics determined by legislative mandates and/or regional needs.
2.5 Units
Limitation on Enrollment: Enrollment is limited per Government Code 1029 and 1031. Must complete a background check and/or clear live scan DOJ under Penal Code 13511.5.
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
40 hours lecture/40 hours laboratory. This course is designed to follow the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) for Penal Code 832 Arrest. Typically taken in series with ACAD C081 - POST P.C. 832 Firearms, together these courses achieve state standards for employment in a variety of limited peace officer positions, such as code enforcement, arson investigations, detentions, school safety, and more. This course requires special arrest control equipment that is provided for the students.
1.5 Units
Limitation on Enrollment: Enrollment is limited per Government Code 1029 and 1031. Must complete a background check and/or clear live scan DOJ under Penal Code 13511.5.
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
12 hours lecture/48 hours laboratory. This course is designed to follow the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) for Penal Code 832 Firearms. Typically taken in series with ACAD C080 - POST P.C. 832 Arrest, together these courses achieve state standards for employment in a variety of limited peace officer positions, such as code enforcement, arson investigations, detentions, school safety, and more. This course requires special firearms equipment that must be provided by the student.
3.0 Units
Limitation on Enrollment: Enrollment is limited per Government Code 1029 and 1031. Must complete a background check and/or clear live scan DOJ under Penal Code 13511.5.
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
52.5 hours lecture/22.5 hours laboratory. This orientation course prepares students for the Standard and Training for Corrections (STC) Core Detentions Academy and initiates the first week of the academy. A series of written and physical self-assessment activities, such as the Cooper's Assessment and report writing, help students understand the Academy challenges and requirements. This course is presented in a rigorous and disciplined training environment of a state-certified detentions academy. Enrollment must be pre-approved per California Penal Code and is taken in sequence: ACAD C100X, ACAD C101X, and ACAD C102X.
7.0 Units
Limitation on Enrollment: Enrollment is limited per Government Code 1029 and 1031. Must complete a background check and/or clear live scan DOJ under Penal Code 13511.5.
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
40 hours lecture/280 hours laboratory. This is a California Standard and Training for Corrections (STC) approved Adult Corrections Officer CORE Course and part of a series. This course is designed to teach students under the state certification for STC for work in detentions, corrections, or jails and serves as the introductory lecture, activity, and lab coursework as part of a sequence: ACAD C100X, C101X, and C102X.
3.0 Units
Limitation on Enrollment: Enrollment is limited per Government Code 1029 and 1031. Must complete a background check and/or clear live scan DOJ under Penal Code 13511.5.
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
37.5 hours lecture/30 hours laboratory/15 hours activity. This course is designed to fulfill the training requirements established by the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) for basic peace officer training. This is the first course in a sequence that includes ACAD C200X, C201X, and C202X. Prospective students need to go through the selection process given by the certification holder.
5.0 Units
Limitation on Enrollment: Enrollment is limited per Government Code 1029 and 1031. Must complete a background check and/or clear live scan DOJ under Penal Code 13511.5.
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
60 hours lecture/90 hours laboratory. This is a California Standards and Training for Corrections (STC) approved Adult Corrections Officer Core Course, which is designed to develop and train STC certified detentions officers through lecture, activity, and lab learning. As part of the sequence: ACAD C100X, C101X, and C102X. It also includes POST PC 832 Arrest and Firearms.
13.5 Units
Limitation on Enrollment: Enrollment is limited per Government Code 1029 and 1031. Must complete a background check and/or clear live scan DOJ under Penal Code 13511.5.
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
108 hours lecture/270 hours laboratory/90 hours activity. This course is designed to fulfill the training requirements established by the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) for basic peace officer training. This is the second course in a sequence that includes ACAD C200X, C201X, and C202X. Prospective students need to go through the selection process given by the certification holder.
13.5 Units
Limitation on Enrollment: Enrollment is limited per Government Code 1029 and 1031. Must complete a background check and/or clear live scan DOJ under Penal Code 13511.5.
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
108 hours lecture/270 hours laboratory/90 hours activity. This course is designed to fulfill the training requirements established by the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) for basic peace officer training. This is the third course in a sequence that includes ACAD C200X, C201X, and C202X. Prospective students need to go through the selection process given by the certification holder.
1.0 Unit
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
This is a 1 unit course with variable hours: 0-18 hours lecture/0-54 hours laboratory. This course is designed to update current peace officers' training with current laws, procedures, and practices. This course does not fulfill core or elective requirements for a certificate or degree in the field of Administration of Justice.
0.5 Units
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
This is a 0.5 unit course with variable hours: 0-9 hours lecture/0-27 hours laboratory. This course is designed to update current peace officers' training with current laws, procedures, and practices. This course does not fulfill core or elective requirements for a certificate or degree in the field of Administration of Justice.
3.0 Units
C-ID: AJ 110 Introduction to Criminal Justice
Advisory: ENGL C101
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
54 hours lecture. This is a comprehensive course on the Criminal Justice System that includes the history and philosophy of the Administration of Justice in America. The course explores the development of the criminal justice system, including all sub-systems, relationship between the sub-systems and their role expectations, theories on crime, adjudication, punishment, rehabilitation, education and training for the continued professionalism of the entire system. Approved for IGETC Area 4, CSU GE Area D, Local GE Area 2.
3.0 Units
Advisory: ENGL C070
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
54 hours lecture. In this course students learn the historical development, philosophy, and constitutional provisions of the law and its impact within the criminal justice system. Students develop a working knowledge of legal terms and their definitions. Students look at the classification of crime and its causation. Students conduct analytical research and study of case law decisions. Approved for IGETC Area 4, CSU GE Area D, Local GE Area 2.
3.0 Units
C-ID: AJ 124 Legal Aspects of Evidence
Advisory: ENGL C101
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
54 hours lecture. This course is designed to provide a working knowledge of evidence, evidentiary practices and case laws that deal with the admission of evidence. Topics include origin, development and constitutional basis of evidence, constitutional and procedural considerations affecting arrest, search and seizure, kinds of degrees of evidence and the rules that govern the admissibility, judicial decisions interpreting individual rights and case studies.
3.0 Units
Advisory: ENGL C101
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
54 hours lecture. This course examines the complex, dynamic relationship between communities and the justice system in addressing crime and conflict with an emphasis on the challenges and prospects of administering justice within a diverse multicultural population. The course will focus on the consensus and conflicting values in culture, religion, and law. This course is cross-listed with ETHN C121. Approved for CSU GE Area D, Local GE Area 2 & 6.
3.0 Units
C-ID: AJ 140 Criminal Investigation
Advisory: ENGL C101
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
54 hours lecture. This course provides students with an introduction into the ethics and legalities of criminal investigations. Topics include: fundamentals of investigation, techniques of crime scene searches, and aspects in dealing with the public, specific knowledge necessary for handling crime scenes, interviews, evidence, surveillance, follow-up, technical resources and case preparation are also covered.
3.0 Units
C-ID: AJ 220 Juvenile Procedures
Advisory: ENGL C101
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
54 hours lecture. This is a basic course in the sociological study of crime and its causes as it pertains to juvenile procedures and delinquency. Topics include organization, functions, and jurisdiction of juvenile agencies, processing and detention of juveniles, juvenile case disposition, juvenile status and court procedures.
0.5 Units
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
9 hours lecture. This orientation course prepares students for the Law Enforcement Academy. A series of self-assessment activities and exercises help students understand the Academy challenges and requirements. This course is presented in a rigorous and disciplined training environment. Students participate in activities designed to simulate the Cerro Coso Law Enforcement Academy to assess individual emotional, mental and physical readiness for the Academy.
5.0 Units
Limitation on Enrollment: Must successfully pass a fingerprint check through the California Department of Justice and meet the entry requirements established by the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) for this course.
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
45 hours lecture/135 hours laboratory. This course provides basic instruction designed to prepare students for the performance of limited peace officer duties. The curriculum is established through the requirements set by the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (P.O.S.T.), which include: introduction to law enforcement, administration of justice, criminal law, evidence, community-police relations, patrol procedures, juvenile procedures, defensive tactics, firearms, First Aid/CPR, vehicle operations, domestic violence and related topics.
10.0 Units
Prerequisite: ADMJ C142 Limitation on Enrollment: Must successfully pass a fingerprint check through the California Department of Justice and meet the entry requirements established by the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) for this course.
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
162 hours lecture/54 hours laboratory. This course is designed to fulfill State of California Peace Officer Standards and Training requirements for Level I academy certification. This course prepares students to successfully transition to the Basic Academy Modular Level I Course. A successful Livescan fingerprint background check is required.
15.0 Units
Limitation on Enrollment: Enrollment is limited per Government Code 1029 and 1031. Must complete a background check and/or clear live scan DOJ under Penal Code 13511.5.
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
180 hours lecture/270 hours laboratory. This course, in conjunction with the Basic Peace Officer Modulars III and II, prepares students for the performance of peace-officer duties. The curriculum is established through the requirements set by the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (P.O.S.T.), which include introduction to law enforcement, administration of justice, criminal law, evidence, community-police relations, patrol procedures, juvenile procedures, defensive tactics, firearms, first aid/CPR, vehicle operations, domestic violence, and related topics
20.0 Units
Limitation on Enrollment: Prospective students will need to go through the selection process given by the course certification holder, the Kern County Sheriff's Department.
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
90 hours lecture/810 hours laboratory. This course is designed to fulfill the training requirements established by the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) for basic peace officer training.
10.0 Units
Advisory: ENGL C040 Limitation on Enrollment: Prospective students need to go through the selection process given by the course certification holder.
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
108 hours lecture/216 hours laboratory. This is a California Standards and Training for Corrections (STC) approved Adult Corrections Officer Core Course. It is 324 hours and includes PC 832 Arrest and Firearms, Defensive Tactics, Force Options, and Officer Safety for Detentions.
3.0 Units
C-ID: AJ 200 Introduction to Corrections
Advisory: ENGL C101
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
54 hours lecture. A course designed to give students an overview of the role correction's play within the criminal justice system. The course focus is on such topics as: incarceration, alternatives to incarceration, rehabilitation of inmates, juvenile offenders, and legal issues that influence the day-to-day operations of correctional institutions.
3.0 Units
Prerequisite: ENGL C101
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
54 hours lecture. This course is an introduction to the United States and California constitutional law history, theory, and practice. In this course, the history of the United States Constitution, the governmental structure that the Constitution creates, and the individual rights that it protects are addressed. In addition, the course also addresses the major approaches to interpreting the Constitution with an emphasis on national, state, and local government. Finally, the students consider the history, theory, and practice of litigating and adjudicating selected substantive Due Process rights and Equal Protection rights. Approved for Local GE Area 2.
3.0 Units
Advisory: ENGL C070
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
54 hours lecture. This course enables students to attain a comprehensive understanding of the processes used to respond to, secure, document, and collect evidence at a crime scene. The legal, ethical, and practical issues involving crime scene investigations are covered in greater detail. The coursework includes identifying and working a crime scene in the field.
0.0 Units
Repeat Status: Repeatable
9 hours lecture. This course familiarizes and instructs the individual on the training topics delineated in the Business and Professions Code section 7583.7, including legal aspects, techniques, liability, and company requirements relating to the arrest of an individual. The training utilizes the Department of Consumer Affairs’ Power to Arrest Training Manual. In addition, the students learn the subject matter and applicable case law to establish and employ the appropriate use of force when necessary. Course previously known as ADMJ C050.
0.0 Units
Prerequisite: ADMJ C800 Limitation on Enrollment: Student must have reached their 18th birthday prior to completion of the course. Required by Statute.
Repeat Status: Repeatable
9 hours lecture. This non-credit course covers the required learning domains outlined in section 7583.6(b) of the Business and Professions Code for newly licensed security officers concerning the importance of public relations with both community and customer. The course covers discrimination, diversity, substance abuse, and the mentally ill. The course includes communication skills and de-escalation techniques for crisis intervention. The course also provides the required learning domains surrounding security officers and liability in the course of their duties. Course previously known as ADMJ C051.
0.0 Units
Prerequisite: ADMJ C800 Limitation on Enrollment: Student must have reached their 18th birthday prior to completion of the course. Required by Statute.
Repeat Status: Repeatable
9 hours lecture. This non-credit course is designed to provide the student with information concerning the required learning domains as prescribed by the Bureau of Security and Investigative Services in section 7583.6(b) of the Business and Professions Code in reference to communication, observation, and documentation. Course previously known as ADMJ C052.
0.0 Units
Prerequisite: ADMJ C800 Limitation on Enrollment: Student must have reached their 18th birthday prior to completion of the course. Required by Statute.
Repeat Status: Repeatable
9 hours lecture. This non-credit course is designed to provide the student with information concerning the legal powers of a security/proprietary officer to perform a search and/or seizure. The course also covers the methods for, and importance of, preserving the incident scene. Course previously known as ADMJ C053.
0.0 Units
Prerequisite: ADMJ C800 Limitation on Enrollment: Student must have reached their 18th birthday prior to completion of the course. Required by Statute.
Repeat Status: Repeatable
9 hours lecture. This non-credit course is designed to provide the students with the knowledge and skills required to identify potentially hazardous situations including environmental, chemical, biological, and situational dangers. This course also provides instruction on basic first aid and CPR. This course does not certify the student in CPR. Course previously known as ADMJ C054.
0.0 Units
Prerequisite: ADMJ C800 Limitation on Enrollment: Student must have reached their 18th birthday prior to completion of the course. Required by Statute.
Repeat Status: Repeatable
9 hours lecture. This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary for conflict management in a private security setting. The course provides information on verbal diffusion and negotiations, as well as instruction on various tactics and tools employed in crowd control situations. Course previously known as ADMJ C055.
0.0 Units
Prerequisite: ADMJ C800 Limitation on Enrollment: Student must have reached their 18th birthday prior to completion of the course. Required by Statute.
Repeat Status: Repeatable
24 hours lecture. This course is designed to cover the required learning domains outlined in Senate Bill 1626 and Senate Bill 390 for security professionals working in the K-12 system and/or at a California community college campus. The course is designed to provide students with information and practical technique training to prepare them for employment in school security. Topics include, but are not limited to, roles and responsibilities of the officer, laws, liability, security awareness in the educational environment, mediation/conflict resolution, emergencies, and the dynamics of student behaviors. Course previously known as ADMJ C056.
7.5 Units
Advisory: ENGL C101
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
90 hours lecture/135 hours laboratory. This career-oriented course presents the fundamental concepts of general aircraft maintenance. This course is intended as part of a certification program to prepare the student to take the Aviation Mechanic Technician Powerplant test for Federal Aviation Administration licensure in accordance with 14 Code of Federal Regulations part 65. Topics include reciprocating engines, turbine engines, radial engines, V-type engines, engine fuel, and engine fuel metering systems.
7.5 Units
Advisory: ENGL C101
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
90 hours lecture/135 hours laboratory. This career-oriented course presents the fundamental concepts of general aircraft maintenance. This course is intended as part of a certification program to prepare the student to take the Aviation Mechanic Technician Powerplant test for Federal Aviation Administration licensure in accordance with 14 Code of Federal Regulations part 65. Topics include engine induction systems, exhaust systems, engine ignition systems, powerplant electrical systems, and magneto-ignition systems.
7.5 Units
Advisory: ENGL C101
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
90 hours lecture/135 hours laboratory. This career-oriented course presents the fundamental concepts of general aircraft maintenance. This course is intended as part of a certification program to prepare the student to take the Aviation Mechanic Technician Powerplant test for Federal Aviation Administration licensure in accordance with 14 Code of Federal Regulations part 65. Topics include engine removal and replacement, lubrication, cooling systems, and propellers.
7.5 Units
Advisory: ENGL C101
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
90 hours lecture/135 hours laboratory. This career-oriented course presents the fundamental concepts of general aircraft maintenance. This course is intended as part of a certification program to prepare the student to take the Aviation Mechanic Technician Powerplant test for Federal Aviation Administration licensure in accordance with 14 Code of Federal Regulations part 65. Topics include engine fire protection systems, engine maintenance, engine operations, and light-sport aircraft engines.
3.0 Units
Advisory: ENGL C101
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
54 hours lecture. This career-oriented course presents the fundamental concepts of general aircraft maintenance. This course is intended as part of a certification program to prepare the student to take the Aviation Mechanic Technician General test for Federal Aviation Administration licensure in accordance with 14 Code of Federal Regulations part 65. Topics include the avionics environment, displays, man-machine interaction, computer-aided optics, aerodynamics, and aircraft control.
3.0 Units
Advisory: ENGL C101
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
54 hours lecture. This career-oriented course presents the fundamental concepts of general aircraft maintenance. This course is intended as part of a certification program to prepare the student to take the Aviation Mechanic Technician General test for Federal Aviation Administration licensure in accordance with 14 Code of Federal Regulations part 65. Topics include aircraft structures, shop mathematics, basic hand-measuring devices, and familiarization with aircraft manufacturing documentation, such as blueprints and work instructions.
0.0 Units
Limitations on Enrollment: Before taking the Commercial Learner’s Permit exam, students
must be over 18 years of age and hold a valid Class B CDL.
Repeat Status: Repeatable
40 hours lecture. This course prepares students to take the knowledge test required to upgrade from a Class B Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) to a Class A CDL. Curriculum follows Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA) requirement for Entry-level Driver Training (ELDT). In accordance with FMCSA and ELDT standards, students must score a minimum of 80% on written exams for all theory portions of instruction.
0.0 Units
Limitations on Enrollment: Before taking the Commercial Learner’s Permit exam, students
must be over 18 years of age and hold a valid California’s Driver’s License.
Repeat Status: Repeatable
56 hours lecture. The Commercial Truck Driving Theory course prepares students to take the knowledge test required to obtain a California Commercial Learner's Permit. Curriculum follows Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's (FMCSA) requirement for Entry Level Driver Training (ELDT). In accordance with FMCSA and ELDT standards, students must score a minimum of 80% on written exams for all theory portions of instruction.
0.0 Units
Limitations on Enrollment: Students must: 1. Present a current California CDL Learner’s
Permit 2. submit an authorized Medical Examination report 3. submit a 10-year driving
history from DMV 4. submit a clear drug and alcohol screening test at a Cerro Coso
Community College approved medical provider.
Repeat Status: Repeatable
162 hours laboratory. This course prepares students to take the road test required to obtain a California Commercial Driver's License Class A or B. Curriculum follows Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's (FMCSA) requirement for Entry Level Driver Training (ELDT). Upon completion of the course and passing the road test, students are prepared for an entry-level position in the trucking industry.
0.0 Units
Limitations on Enrollment: In accordance with provisions of the USA PATRIOT ACT of
2001, students must be 21 years of age to apply for the H endorsement. Students must
also hold a valid CDL.
Repeat Status: Repeatable
12 hours lecture. This course prepares students to take the knowledge test required to obtain a California Commercial Driver’s License Hazardous Materials (H) endorsement. Curriculum follows Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA) requirement for Entry-level Driver Training (ELDT). The H endorsement is required by federal law to transport hazardous materials. In accordance with FMCSA and ELDT standards, students must score a minimum of 80% on written exams for all theory portions of instruction.
0.0 Units
Limitations on Enrollment: Before taking the written California PV endorsement exam,
students must hold a valid California’s Driver’s License.
Repeat Status: Repeatable
24 hours lecture. This course prepares students to take the knowledge test required to obtain a California Commercial Motor Vehicle PV endorsement. Curriculum follows Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA) requirement for Entry Level Driver Training (ELDT). In accordance with FMCSA and ELDT standards, students must score a minimum of 80% on written exams for all theory portions of instruction.
0.0 Units
Limitations on Enrollment: Before taking the PV endorsement exam, students must be
over 18 years of age and hold a valid California’s Driver’s License.
Repeat Status: Repeatable
20 hours lecture. This course prepares students to take the road test required to obtain a California Commercial Driver’s License Passenger (PV) endorsement. Curriculum follows Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA) requirement for Entry-level Driver Training (ELDT). Upon completion of the course and passing the road test, students are prepared for an entry-level position in the light trucking industry.
0.0 Units
Limitations on Enrollment: Before taking the written California SCH endorsement exam,
students must hold a valid California’s Driver’s License and have at least 10 years
of a clean driving record.
Repeat Status: Repeatable
16 hours lecture. This course prepares students to take the knowledge test required to obtain a California Commercial Motor Vehicle School Bus (SCH) endorsement. Curriculum follows Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA) requirement for Entry-level Driver Training (ELDT). In accordance with FMCSA and ELDT standards, students must score a minimum of 80% on written exams for all theory portions of instruction.
0.0 Units
Limitations on Enrollment: Prior to licensure, the student must complete the California
Highway Patrol Special Certification Application 295, MCSA 575 and 576 medical examination,
first aid certificate, Department of Justice Livescan, and have 10 years of a clean
DMV report.
Repeat Status: Repeatable
20 hours lecture. This course prepares students to take the road test required to obtain a California Commercial Driver’s License School Bus (SCH) endorsement. Curriculum follows Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA) requirement for Entry-level Driver Training (ELDT). Upon completion of the course and passing the road test, students are prepared for an entry-level position in the light trucking industry.
2.0 Units
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
108 hours laboratory. This is a work experience course conducted outside the college setting during employment, volunteering, and paid or unpaid internship in the industry related to outdoor recreation, forestry, climate, and conservation cluster of employment. Students submit work records, evaluations, periodic assignments, and meet with a faculty advisor during the work experience.
0.5 Units
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
8 hours lecture. This course introduces the Incident Command System (ICS) and provides the foundation for higher-level ICS training. This course describes the history, features, principles, and organizational structure of the Incident Command System. It also explains the relationship between ICS and the National Incident Management System (NIMS).
0.5 Units
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
8 hours lecture. This course provides students with wildland fire behavior knowledge applicable for safe and effective fire management activities (wildfire or prescribed fire). Students are introduced to characteristics and interactions of the wildland fire environment (fuels, weather, and topography) that affect wildland fire behavior for safety purposes. This course satisfies the S-190 course requirement for a Firefighter Technician 2. Incident Position Description (IPD) Alignment: This course aligns with the NWCG (National Wildlife Coordinating Group) IPDs that serve as the single authoritative source for the essential duties and responsibilities of a NWCG incident position. IPDs ensure connection between the position and established operation standards. Each unit in this course will identify the related IPD statement.
0.5 Units
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
8 hours lecture. This course provides an overview of the National Incident Management System (NIMS), which defines the comprehensive approach guiding the whole community - all levels of government, non-governmental organizations (NGO), and the private sector - to work together seamlessly to prevent, protect against, mitigate, respond to, and recover from the effects of incidents. The course provides students with a basic understanding of NIMS concepts, principles, and components. This course satisfies the National Wildlife Coordinating Group (NWCG) requirement for IS-700 as part of a Firefighter Technician 2 certification.
0.25 Units
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
4 hours lecture. This course is designed to satisfy the L-180 course requirement for certification as a Firefighter Technician 2. In this course, the instructor exposes students to human performance concepts as part of basic wildland firefighter training. The course is specifically designed for entry-level operational personnel; however, this course also applies to all wildland fire service personnel, including non-operational personnel. At the end of the course, students are able to practice decision-making skills in an interactive simulation as a member of a fire crew, and students apply their human factors knowledge to a variety of scenarios. Throughout the simulation, students answer questions and make decisions regarding situational awareness and hazard identification, decision-making, and team cohesion. Responses are tracked and then reported at the end of the activity.
1.5 Units
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
Prerequisite: FFT C051
29 hours lecture. This course is designed to satisfy the National Wildfire Coordination Group (NWCG) requirements of S-130. The intent of this course is to train new firefighters in the basic skills needed to perform fire suppression and fuel management duties in adverse climate, fuel, and terrain conditions. Units 8-12 are intended to be taught as hands-on presentations in the field. Facilitation should include the tools and equipment referenced in those units and they should be available as props for instructors and hands-on implements for students. If field presentation is not possible, Units 8 - 12 can be taught as a PowerPoint presentation in a classroom, utilizing the tools and equipment as reference. This course aligns with the NWCG Incident Position Descriptions (IPDs) that serve as the single authoritative source for the essential duties and responsibilities of an NWCG incident position. IPDs ensure the connection between the position and established operational standards. Each unit in this course identifies the related IPD statement.
0.25 Units
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
Prerequisite: FFT C051, FFT C052, FFT C053, FFT C054
4 hours lecture. This course is designed to satisfy the RT-130 annual training requirement established and maintained by the National Wildfire Coordinating Group and is required for continued certification as a Firefighter Technician 2. The intent of RT-130, Wildland Fire Safety Training Annual Refresher (WFSTAR) is to focus line-going personnel on operations and decision-making issues related to fireline in order to recognize and mitigate risk, maintain safe and effective practices, and reduce accidents.
0.25 Units
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
4 hours lecture/4 hours laboratory. This course is the second of the Incident Command System (ICS) courses and includes higher-level ICS training for leadership positions. This course describes the history, features, principles, and organizational structure of the Incident Command System. It also explains the relationship between ICS and the National Incident Management System (NIMS) for integrated systems command.
1.0 Unit
Advisory: FFT C054
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
16 hours lecture/4 hours laboratory. This course provides knowledge and skills to design, set up, operate, troubleshoot, and shut down portable water delivery systems. It meets National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) S-211 course requirements. Topics include portable water delivery systems, equipment, roles and responsibilities, and system design and hydraulics. The course includes a field exercise in which students apply concepts learned in the classroom.
1.0 Unit
Advisory: FFT C050, FFT C051, FFT C052, FFT C053, FFT C054
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
20 hours lecture/10 hours laboratory. The course provides an introduction to the function, maintenance, and use of internal combustion engine powered chainsaws and their tactical wildland fire application. Field exercises support entry-level training for firefighters with little or no previous experience in operating a chainsaw, providing hands-on cutting experience in surroundings similar to fireline situations. This course meets the requirements of S-212 by National Wildfire Coordination Group.
1.0 Unit
Prerequisite: FFT C054
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
8 hours lecture/8 hours laboratory. This course is designed to satisfy the National Wildfire Coordination Group (NWCG) requirements of S-131. The intent of this course is to train experienced firefighters in the advanced skills needed to perform fire suppression and fuel management duties in adverse climate, fuel, and terrain conditions. This course aligns with the NWCG Incident Position Descriptions (IPDs) that serve as the single authoritative source for the essential duties and responsibilities of an NWCG incident position. IPDs ensure the connection between the position and established operational standards.
0.0 Units
9 hours laboratory. This is a noncredit course. This course is designed to give the student both practical experience and classroom interaction when it comes to the fundamentals of forklift operations. Curriculum follows OSHA guideline 1910-178 forklift, forklift safety, and forklift training, and results in OSHA certification.
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