Mathematics Department Courses
Please note that college course and program curriculum is a process of continual change. Every effort is made to ensure the completeness and accuracy of the information below, but students should consult a counselor or the faculty chair for the most current details regarding course descriptions, course applicability to programs, and patterns of course offerings at each Cerro Coso Community College campus location. That a course does not showing a pattern of offerings does not mean it is not offered, only that it may be offered irregularly. Consult counseling or the faculty chair for more information.
Click on each course below for course details.
Course Descriptions
4.0 Units
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
72 hours lecture. Students perform the basic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of whole numbers, fractions, and decimals. Students work with the concepts of ratios and percents.
4.0 Units
Prerequisite: MATH C020
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
72 hours lecture. This course covers basic arithmetic, introductory concepts in algebra, and problem solving techniques. Specific topics include addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of signed numbers, percentage, and applications of these skills. The course introduces algebraic concepts, including algebraic operations of polynomials, solving equations, formulas, and an introduction to solving word problems.
4.0 Units
Prerequisite: MATH C040
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
72 hours lecture. This course covers the fundamental algebraic concepts and mathematical processes: first degree equations, special products and factoring, ratios, proportions, radicals, exponents, simultaneous linear equations, quadratic equations, and graphing linear and quadratic functions.
4.0 Units
Prerequisite: MATH C050
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
72 hours lecture. This is an accelerated preparation course for transfer-level mathematics for non-STEM majors. Topics include performing operations and evaluating expressions, designing observational studies and experiments, constructing graphical and tabular displays of data, summarizing data numerically, computing probabilities, constructing scatterplots and drawing linear models, graphing equations of lines and linear models, rate of change, solving linear equations and inequalities to make predictions, finding equations of linear models, and using exponential models to make predictions. Approved for Local GE Area 4.
4.0 Units
Prerequisite: MATH C050
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
72 hours lecture. Intermediate Algebra expands on the skills learned in Elementary Algebra and prepares the student for more advanced work in mathematics and science. The course focuses on exponents, factoring, solving linear and quadratic equations, systems of equations, algebraic fractions, graphs of linear and quadratic equations and inequalities, radicals determinants, function notation, and the exponential and logarithmic functions. Approved for Local GE Area 4.
4.0 Units
Prerequisite: MATH C053 or MATH C055
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
72 hours lecture. This is a transfer-level algebra course for non-STEM majors which includes theory and applications of the following: linear functions and graphs, laws of exponents and logarithms, exponential and logarithmic functions, power functions, and quadratic and polynomial functions. A lab provides support to review basic algebra. Approved for CSU GE Area B4, Local GE Area 4.
4.0 Units
C-ID: MATH 110 Introduction to Statistics
Prerequisite: MATH C053 or MATH C055
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
54 hours lecture/54 hours laboratory. This course covers data analysis using descriptive and inferential statistics. Graphs and computations include measures of central tendency and dispersion, correlation and regression, and presentation of data on a histogram, scatter plot, box plot, and the normal curve. Probability concepts include those for discrete and continuous random variables. Sampling and hypothesis testing are covered for means and variances. Topics from algebra are combined with applications in statistics in the lab portion of the class. This course applies to the degree requirements for students not majoring in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) fields. Approved for IGETC Area 2, CSU GE Area B4, Local GE Area 4.
5.0 Units
C-ID: MATH 110 Introduction to Statistics
Prerequisite: MATH C053 or MATH C055. Advisory: ENGL C101 Limitation on Enrollment: Acceptance to the Honors Program or eligibility for this honors course as determined by the instructor.
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
72 hours lecture/54 hours laboratory. This course covers elements of descriptive statistics, measures of central tendency, dispersion and presentation of data. Included are concepts of probability, random variables and normally distributed random variables. Sampling error, sampling processes and the distribution of sample means are applied to real life examples. Students will conduct hypothesis testing of means and proportions for one and two populations and linear regression testing using the least squares criterion. Students use descriptive and inferential methods employing linear regression and study one and two way analysis of variance. The honors section provides more content and requires greater intensity and depth of study than the non-honors class; the honors course also requires at least one extra research assignment. Approved for IGETC Area 2, CSU GE Area B4, Local GE Area 4.
4.0 Units
Prerequisite: MATH C055
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
72 hours lecture. Finite Mathematics is designed for students majoring in Business/Economics, Computer Information Systems, and Social Sciences. Topics to be covered include matrices, linear programming, mathematics of finance, sets and Venn diagrams, descriptive statistics, probability and combinations. Approved for IGETC Area 2, CSU GE Area B4, Local GE Area 4.
4.0 Units
C-ID: MATH 140 Business Calculus
Prerequisite: MATH C055
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
72 hours lecture. This course emphasizes the concepts of differential calculus and integral calculus as they relate to business and economics. The course integrates rates of change, interest formulas, concepts of demand and elasticity, as well as exponential and logarithmic applications. Approved for IGETC Area 2, CSU GE Area B4, Local GE Area 4.
4.0 Units
Prerequisite: MATH C055
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
72 hours lecture. This pre-calculus course is an intensive study of algebraic functions and relations and their graphical representations, exponential and logarithmic functions and their applications, theory of equations, matrices, sequences, series, mathematical induction, the binomial theorem, and an introduction to the theory of limits. Approved for IGETC Area 2, CSU GE Area B4, Local GE Area 4.
4.0 Units
Prerequisite: MATH C055
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
72 hours lecture. An intensive study of trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions and the graphical representations of these functions. This course includes solving trigonometric equations, verifying identities, and solving triangles in the plane and on the sphere. Topics also include complex numbers, DeMoivre's theorem, analytic geometry in two and three dimensions, polar coordinates, and vectors. Applications are included. Approved for CSU GE Area B4, Local GE Area 4.
4.0 Units
Prerequisite: MATH C141, MATH C142
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
72 hours lecture. This course provides students with a foundation in differential and integral calculus with emphasis on both skills and applications. Topics include functions, limits, derivatives of polynomial, trigonometric, parametric, and implicit functions, applications of differentiation, the indefinite integral, the definite integral, and applications of the definite integral. Approved for IGETC Area 2, CSU GE Area B4, Local GE Area 4.
4.0 Units
Prerequisite: MATH C151
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
72 hours lecture. This course is a continuation of Analytic Geometry and Calculus I, extending the skills of differentiation and integration by learning new techniques and working with the transcendental functions. Other major topics include sequences, series, polar coordinates and parameterization of plane curves. Approved for IGETC Area 2, CSU GE Area B4, Local GE Area 4.
4.0 Units
Prerequisite: MATH C152
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
72 hours lecture. This course is a continuation of Analytical Geometry and Calculus II, extending the skills of differentiation and integration by learning new techniques and working with partial derivatives and double and triple integrals. Other major topics include cylindrical and spherical coordinates, quadric surfaces, vector functions, vector analysis, Green's theorem and Stoke's theorem. Approved for IGETC Area 2, CSU GE Area B4.
4.0 Units
Prerequisite: MATH C251. Advisory: A computer algebra system or graphing calculator
and basic computer skills are strongly recommended
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
72 hours lecture. This course provides students with a foundations of differential equations of change, motion, and growth within chemical, physical, biological, and business systems with problem solving and applications. Students are introduced to modeling using mathematical software used in industry to solve complex problems. First, second, and higher order differential equations including Euler's Method, Eigenvalues, Numerical Methods, Non-linear Systems, and La Place Transforms are covered. Approved for IGETC Area 2, CSU GE Area B4.
4.0 Units
Prerequisite: MATH C152
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
72 hours lecture. This course covers the following topics: systems of linear equations, matrices, n-dimensional real vector spaces, general vector spaces, linear transformations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, and applications of the above topics. Approved for IGETC Area 2, CSU GE Area B4, Local GE Area 4.
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