English Department Courses
Please note that college course and program curriculum is a process of continual change. Every effort is made to ensure the completeness and accuracy of the information below, but students should consult a counselor or the faculty chair for the most current details regarding course descriptions, course applicability to programs, and patterns of course offerings at each Cerro Coso Community College campus location. That a course does not showing a pattern of offerings does not mean it is not offered, only that it may be offered irregularly. Consult counseling or the faculty chair for more information.
Click on each course below for course details.
Course Descriptions
4.0 Units
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
72 hours lecture. This course is an introduction to American Sign Language (ASL), a visual-gesture language used by the Deaf community in the United States and some parts of Canada. Students develop basic conversation skills used within the Deaf community and knowledge of Deaf culture and history.
4.0 Units
Prerequisite: ASL C101
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
72 hours lecture. In this follow-up to ASL C101, students continue to develop and enhance their proficiency in American Sign Language (ASL) usage and knowledge of Deaf history and culture. This course encourages students' communicative competency with emphasis on vocabulary and expressive skills through in-class and out-of-class requirements.
4.0 Units
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
72 hours lecture. ENGL C030 teaches students to develop and organize ideas in short writings with coherent, unified, and developed paragraphs. The course also covers how to build paragraphs into short essays and how to revise and edit for correctness. Major principles of grammar are reviewed.
4.0 Units
Prerequisite: ENGL C030
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
72 hours lecture. This course, which is preparation for introductory composition, is designed to teach students to write short compositions (500-750 words each) with clear organization, development, keywords, thesis, topic sentences, and sufficient supporting details. Students become familiar with a variety of rhetorical modes and are introduced to expository and text-based writing. Major and minor principles of grammar are reviewed.
4.0 Units
Prerequisite: ENGL C040. Advisory: LIBR C100
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
72 hours lecture. In this course which prepares students to take university-level classes, students analyze and respond to college-level readings, compose expository and argumentative essays for a variety of rhetorical situations, incorporate outside sources into their writing using proper documentation techniques, and revise for coherence, unity, and development. Students write four to five text-based expository essays (total: 3,500 words).
4.0 Units
C-ID: ENGL 100 College Composition
Prerequisite: Eligibility for college-level composition as determined by placement through high school transcript information OR skills equivalent to those taught in ENGL C070.
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
72 hours lecture. This introductory course offers instruction in expository and argumentative writing, appropriate and effective use of language, close reading, cogent thinking, research strategies, information literacy, and documentation. Students critically read and write primarily expository and argumentative texts that respond to a variety of rhetorical situations and contexts and incorporate college-level research. Reading selections include a group of culturally diverse writers. (Total: 5,000 words). Approved for IGETC Area 1A, CSU GE Area A2, Local GE Area 4.
2.0 Units
Corequisite: ENGL C101
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
36 hours lecture. Limited to students concurrently enrolled in the co-requisite ENGL C101 class, ENGL C101S provides students with additional support for college-level composition. This course offers additional instruction and practice in reading strategies, writing process, sentence craft, metacognitive reflection, and college success skills. A passing grade in this class is dependent upon successful completion of the ENGL C101 co-requisite. (Units for this course are non-degree applicable.)
4.0 Units
C-ID: ENGL 110 Argumentative Writing and Critical Thinking
Prerequisite: ENGL C101
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
72 hours lecture. In this composition course for transfer to four year institutions, students develop composition, analytical, and critical reasoning skills through study of literary works (fiction, poetry, and drama). The course emphasizes critical analysis, principles of logic, use of research, and presentation of carefully reasoned written arguments while developing students' close reading skills and promoting an appreciation for the aesthetic qualities of literature. Students write several expository essays demonstrating sophisticated application of critical thinking skills to literature (total: 8,000 words). Approved for IGETC Area 1B, CSU GE Area A3, Local GE Area 3 or 4.
5.0 Units
C-ID: ENGL 110 Argumentative Writing and Critical Thinking
Prerequisite: ENGL C101 Limitation on Enrollment: Enrollment in this honors course is limited to students enrolled in the associated course. Students will be required to read and comprehend challenging materials and analyze in depth a chosen topic appropriate for intensified study and be able to maintain a minimum standard of coursework at the honors level.
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
90 hours lecture. In this composition course for transfer to four year institutions, students develop composition, analytical, and critical reasoning skills through study of literary works (fiction, poetry, and drama). The course emphasizes critical analysis, principles of logic, use of research, and presentation of carefully reasoned written arguments while developing students' close reading skills and promoting an appreciation for the aesthetic qualities of literature. Students write several expository essays demonstrating sophisticated application of critical thinking skills to literature (total: 8,000 words). The honors course provides more content and requires greater intensity and depth of study than the non-honors course; the honors course also requires at least one extra paper assignment beyond that required in the non-honors course. Approved for IGETC Area 1B, CSU GE Area A3, Local GE Area 3 or 4.
3.0 Units
C-ID: ENGL 200 Introduction to Creative Writing
Advisory: ENGL C101
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
54 hours lecture. This course is an introduction to the craft of creative writing through the study and analysis of the works of established and peer writers. Students practice writing in various genres and are introduced to the workshop method. Approved for CSU GE Area C2, Local Area 3.
3.0 Units
Prerequisite: ENGL C101
54 hours lecture. This course introduces representative works from major genres, develops students' close reading and analytical writing skills, and promotes appreciation and critical understanding of the cultural, historical, and aesthetic qualities of literature. Approved for IGETC Area 3B, CSU GE Area C2, Local GE Area 3. Previously ENGL C111.
3.0 Units
C-ID: ENGL 140 Survey of World Literature 1
Prerequisite: ENGL C101
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
54 hours lecture. This course is a comparative study of selected works, in translation and in English, of literature from around the world, including Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and other areas, from antiquity to the mid or late seventeenth century. Approved for IGETC Area 3B, CSU GE Area C2, Local GE Area 3.
4.0 Units
C-ID: ENGL 140 Survey of World Literature 1
Prerequisite: ENGL C101. Limitation on Enrollment: Acceptance to the Honors Program or eligibility for this honors course as determined by the instructor.
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
72 hours lecture. This course is a comparative study of selected works, in translation and in English, of literature from around the world, including Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and other areas, from antiquity to the mid or late seventeenth century. The honors course provides more content and requires greater intensity and depth of study than the non-honors course; the honors course also requires at least one extra research assignment. Approved for IGETC Area 3B, CSU GE Area C2, Local GE Area 3.
3.0 Units
C-ID: ENGL 145 Survey of World Literature 2
Prerequisite: ENGL C101
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
54 hours lecture. This course is a comparative study of selected works, in translation and in English, of literature from around the world, including Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and other areas, from the mid or late seventeenth century to the present. Approved for IGETC Area 3B, CSU GE Area C2, Local GE Area 3.
4.0 Units
C-ID: ENGL 145 Survey of World Literature 2
Prerequisite: ENGL C101
Limitation on Enrollment: Honors courses limit enrollment to those students who are approved by the instructor or who are members of the Honors Program.
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
72 hours lecture. This course is a comparative study of selected works, in translation and in English, of literature from around the world, including Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and other areas, from the mid or late seventeenth century to the present. The honors course provides more content and requires greater intensity and depth of study than the non-honors course; the honors course also requires at least one extra research assignment. Approved for IGETC Area 3B, CSU GE Area C2, Local GE Area 3.
3.0 Units
C-ID: ENGL 160 Survey of British Literature 1
Prerequisite: ENGL C101
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
54 lecture hours. This course surveys the literature written in the British Isles up to the last quarter of the 18th century. Approved for IGETC Area 3B, CSU GE Area C2, Local GE Area 3.
3.0 Units
C-ID: ENGL 165 Survey of British Literature 2
Prerequisite: ENGL C101
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
54 lecture hours. This course surveys British literature from the late eighteenth century to contemporary British and post-colonial texts. Approved for IGETC Area 3B, CSU GE Area C2, Local GE Area 3.
3.0 Units
Prerequisite: ENGL C101
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
54 hours lecture. This course provides an introduction to Shakespeare's works, including discussion and analysis of selected plays (tragedies, comedies, and histories) and non-dramatic poetry. Some attention may be given to the historical, artistic, literary, theatrical, and social influences of Renaissance England contributing to the development of Shakespeare's literary achievements. Approved for IGETC Area 3B, CSU GE Area C2, Local GE Area 3.
4.0 Units
Prerequisite: ENGL C101. Limitation on Enrollment: Acceptance to the Honors Program
or eligibility for this honors course as determined by the instructor.
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
72 hours lecture. This course provides an introduction to Shakespeare's works, including discussion and analysis of selected plays (tragedies, comedies, and histories) and non-dramatic poetry. Some attention may be given to the historical, artistic, literary, theatrical, and social influences of Renaissance England contributing to the development of Shakespeare's literary achievements. The honors course provides more content and requires greater intensity and depth of study than the non-honors course; the honors course also requires at least one extra research assignment. Approved for IGETC Area 3B, CSU GE Area C2, Local GE Area 3.
3.0 Units
C-ID: ENGL 130 Survey of American Literature 1
Prerequisite: ENGL C101
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
54 hours lecture. This course introduces students to America's literary traditions from their beginnings to the second half of the nineteenth century. Approved for IGETC Area 3B, CSU GE Area C2, Local GE Area 3.
3.0 Units
C-ID: ENGL 135 Survey of American Literature 2
Prerequisite: ENGL C101
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
54 hours lecture. This literature course introduces students to American authors from the 1865 to the present. The course emphasizes analyzing texts and studying the intellectual, social, and cultural history of Americans. Approved for IGETC Area 3B, CSU GE Area C2, Local GE Area 3.
3.0 Units
Prerequisite: ENGL C101
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
54 hours lecture. This course studies the literary achievements of women writers and examines the extent to which literature mirrors or shapes historical and social attitudes with particular emphasis on the roles, images, and concerns of women as expressed in literature. Approved for IGETC Area 3B, CSU GE Area C2, Local GE Area 3 & 6.
4.0 Units
Prerequisite: ENGL C101. Limitation on Enrollment: Acceptance to the Honors Program
or eligibility for this honors course as determined by the instructor.
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
72 hours lecture. This course studies the literary achievements of women writers and examines the extent to which literature mirrors or shapes historical and social attitudes with particular emphasis on the roles, images, and concerns of women as expressed in literature. The honors course provides more content and requires greater intensity and depth of study than the non-honors class; the honors course also requires at least one extra research assignment. Approved for IGETC Area 3B, CSU GE Area C2, Local GE Area 3 & 6.
3.0 Units
Prerequisite: ENGL C101
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
54 lecture hours. This course studies the contributions to American literature by African Americans, Latino Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans, and other ethnic minorities. It examines the extent to which literature mirrors or shapes historical and social attitudes, with particular emphasis on the roles, images, and concerns of ethnic groups as expressed in literature. Approved for IGETC Area 3B, CSU GE Area C2, Local GE Area 3 & 6.
4.0 Units
Limitations on Enrollment: Acceptance into a Bachelor’s program at Cerro Coso.
Prerequisite: ENGL C101
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
72 hours lecture. This is an upper-division general education course designed to introduce students to the study of technical writing and written communication within specific professional discourse communities. Specifically, the course focuses on the practice and study of different types of discourse, cyber and otherwise, employed in a variety of workplace situations and helps prepare students for various kinds of technical writing, such as audience-driven or context-sensitive texts. To that end, students examine rhetorical issues related to documents found and used in professional contexts, particularly how differing rhetorical situations alter purpose, audience, writer, and text. Additionally, through the rhetorical process, students discover, examine, and respond to various formats with detail, precision, and clarity to produce technical and business-related documents. Finally, throughout the course, students engage in the writing process, including invention activities, drafting, revising, peer evaluation, group discussions, editing, and project collaboration.
0.0 Units
Repeat Status: Repeatable
54 hours lecture. This is a non-credit course. This course covers communication skills for the workplace for English as a Second Language (ESL). Using both spoken and written drills and exercises, students learn and practice the reading and writing skills necessary for a workplace environment. Cultural, sociolinguistic, and non-verbal communication strategies and norms for a U.S. workplace setting are identified, analyzed, and practiced.
0.0 Units
Repeat Status: Repeatable
54 hours lecture. This is a non-credit course. This course covers communication skills for the workplace for English as a Second Language (ESL). Using both spoken and written drills and exercises, students learn and practice the listening and speaking skills necessary for a workplace environment. Cultural, sociolinguistic, and non-verbal communication strategies and norms for a U.S. workplace setting are identified, analyzed, and practiced.
3.0 Units
Advisory: ENGL C101, LIBR C100
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
54 hours lecture. This multi-disciplinary course provides an in-depth look at the Latinx culture using the theoretical lens of art, primarily in film, but other art, such as music, paintings, and literature, may be studied. The course materials examine selected films and other art related to films from the Americas and within the United States, critiqued through analysis, discussion, readings, and written responses. The course covers various historical, social, political, and cultural issues about the Latinx culture, including art, literature, music, history, and politics. With an emphasis on multiculturalism and diversity, as illustrated by the films and readings on race, class, gender, and immigration, this course covers a multifaceted aspect of the Latinx community. Films are subtitled; no knowledge of Spanish is required. Students may be required to rent films or subscribe to a video streaming service. This course is cross-listed with SPAN C211. Course previously known as FILM C211: Hispanic Cinema.
5.0 Units
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
90 hours lecture. This is an introductory course in which students learn basic grammar and vocabulary for speaking, reading, understanding, and writing at the beginning level as well as the culture and civilization of the French-speaking world. Approved for IGETC Area 6, CSU GE Area C2, Local GE Area 3 & 6.
5.0 Units
Prerequisite: FREN C101
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
90 hours lecture. This course continues the introduction to the French language presented in FREN C101. This course focuses on the grammar and vocabulary necessary for speaking, reading, listening, and writing at the high-beginner level, as well as learning about the culture and civilization of the French-speaking world.
4.0 Units
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
72 hours lecture. This course covers the basic Latin grammar structures necessary for understanding reading, writing, and speaking. Students develop vocabulary building from Latin roots, prefixes, and suffixes, and compare Latin to Romance languages. The course also introduces Roman mythology, daily life, art, history, literature, and philosophy, including comparisons to the modern world. Approved for CSU GE Area C2, Local GE Area 3.
4.0 Units
Prerequisite: LATN C101
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
72 hours lecture. This course continues the introduction to the Latin language presented in Latin I. It continues with additional Latin grammar structures necessary for understanding, reading, writing, and speaking. Students further develop vocabulary building from Latin root words and suffixes and compare Latin to Romance languages. The course also continues with increased exposure to Roman mythology, daily life, art, history, literature, and philosophy, including comparisons to the modern world. Approved for IGETC Area 6, CSU GE Area C2, Local GE Area 3.
4.0 Units
Prerequisite: LATN C102
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
72 hours lecture. This course covers intermediate level structures and vocabulary development for reading, writing, and speaking Latin. Approved for IGETC Area 3B & 6, CSU GE Area C2, Local GE Area 3.
4.0 Units
Prerequisite: LATN C201
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
72 hours lecture. This course conducts a detailed and intensive reading of books I, II, IV and VI of the Aeneid. A running review of basic grammar structures is also a part of the class. Approved for IGETC Area 3B & 6, CSU GE Area C2, Local GE Area 3.
3.0 Units Repeat Status: Not repeatable
54 hours lecture. This course is designed to help students begin speaking Spanish confidently at a basic level. SPAN C100 emphasizes oral practice, pronunciation, and vocabulary building. The class develops the students' speaking skills and understanding of Spanish for practical use in everyday situations. This course is neither a prerequisite nor equivalent to SPAN C101 and can be taken concurrently with SPAN C101. Approved for CSU GE Area C2, Local GE Area 3.
5.0 Units
C-ID: SPAN 100 Elementary Spanish I
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
90 hours lecture. This is an introductory course in which students learn basic grammar and vocabulary for speaking, reading, listening, and writing at the beginning level as well as the culture and civilization of the Spanish-speaking world. This class has an online component that requires the student to access the electronic book on a weekly basis. Approved for IGETC Area 6, CSU GE Area C2, Local GE Area 3 & 6.
5.0 Units
C-ID: SPAN 110 Elementary Spanish II
Prerequisite: SPAN C101 with a grade of “C” or better or two years of high school Spanish.
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
90 hours lecture. This course is a continuation of the introduction to the Spanish language presented in Spanish C101. Students will continue to focus on the grammar and vocabulary necessary for speaking, reading, listening, and writing at the high-beginner level as well as learning about the culture, and civilization of the Spanish-speaking world. This class has an online component that requires the student to access the electronic book on a weekly basis. Approved for IGETC Area 6, CSU GE Area C2, Local GE Area 3 & 6.
3.0 Units
Advisory: SPAN C102
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
54 hours lecture. This course improves the students' ability to communicate in Spanish through vocabulary building, reading, and classroom conversation at a mid to high-intermediate level. Through an interactive classroom approach, students have the opportunity to enhance their oral proficiency as they apply the language to a variety of situations. There is a thorough review of grammar concepts for non-native speakers at the same time as developing an appreciation for Hispanic culture as manifested in any of the Spanish-speaking countries including the USA. Approved for IGETC Area 6, CSU GE C2, Local GE Area 3.
5.0 Units
C-ID: SPAN 220 Spanish for Heritage Speakers I
Advisory: SPAN C102
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
72 hours lecture. This course is designed for heritage speakers of Spanish or other linguistically qualified students. It provides instruction that builds upon the students' existing reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. The course will further their fluency through vocabulary building, spelling and accentuation rules, grammar, composition, and reading skills. It is taught within a Hispanic cultural context to increase understanding and appreciation of Hispanic cultural heritage. The course is taught entirely in Spanish. Approved for IGETC Area 3B & 6, CSU GE Area C2, Local GE Area 3 & 6.
5.0 Units
C-ID: SPAN 230 Spanish for Heritage Speakers II
90 hours lecture. This course is a continuation of SPAN C180 and is designed for heritage speakers of Spanish or other linguistically qualified students. It provides instruction that builds upon the students' existing reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. The course will continue to further their fluency through vocabulary building, spelling and accentuation rules, grammar, composition, and reading skills. It is taught within a Hispanic cultural context to increase a deeper understanding and appreciation of Hispanic cultural heritage. The course is taught entirely in Spanish. Approved for IGETC Area 3B & 6, CSU GE Area C2, Local GE Area 3 & 6.
3.0 Units
Advisory: ENGL C101, LIBR C100
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
54 hours lecture. This multi-disciplinary course provides an in-depth look at the Latinx culture using the theoretical lens of art, primarily in film, but other art, such as music, paintings, and literature, may be studied. The course materials examine selected films from and other art related to films from the Americas and within the United States, critiqued through analysis, discussion, readings, and written responses. The course covers various historical, social, political, and cultural issues about the Latinx culture, including art, literature, music, history, and politics. With an emphasis on multiculturalism and diversity, as illustrated by the films and readings on race, class, gender, and immigration, this course covers a multifaceted aspect of the Latinx community. Films are subtitled; no knowledge of Spanish is required. Students may be required to rent films or subscribe to a video streaming service. This course is cross-listed with SPAN C211. Course previously known as FILM C211: Hispanic Cinema.
3.0 Units
C-ID: COMM 110 Public Speaking
Advisory: ENGL C101
Repeat Status: Not repeatable
54 hours lecture. In this speech course for transfer to four-year institutions, students learn to make effective oral presentations by gathering and selecting information, arranging materials, analyzing audience and occasion, and controlling expression and delivery. Approved for IGETC Area 1C, CSU GE Area A1.
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