Faculty Leadership & Department Chairs

Academic Senate Leaders

Title Name Phone Location
President Yvonne Mills (760) 872-5333 BESCC 105 & MESCC 225D
Vice President Alex Gilewski (760) 384-6309 IWV MB 343
Secretary Michael Bonner (760) 384-6181 IWV MB 317A
Treasurer Scott Cameron (760) 384-6143 IWV MB 344
Member at Large Timothy Randolph (760) 384-6136 IWV
CIC Chair Debilyn Kinzler (760) 384-6162 IWV LAC 720
Program Review Chair Vacant    
Site Representative Andrew Burch (760) 872-5305 BESCC
Chairs Representative Vacant    
Past President Ben Beshwate (760) 384-6127 IWV MB 317D

Senate of the Whole

Academic Senate Constitution and Bylaws
Academic Senate Standing Rules

Department Chairs

Department Chair Email Phone
Allied Health Matt Wanta matthew.wanta@cerrocoso.edu (760) 384-6331
Business Administration and Paralegal Studies Dawn Ward dawn.ward@cerrocoso.edu (760) 384-6236
Child Development / Education Vivian Baker vbaker@cerrocoso.edu (760) 384-6182
Counseling René Mora rene.mora@cerrocoso.edu (760) 384-6219
English and Foreign Languages Gary Enns genns@cerrocoso.edu  
Industrial Arts David Villicana david.villicana1@cerrocoso.edu (760) 384-6273
Information Technology Suzie Ama sama@cerrocoso.edu (760) 384-6183
Kinesiology and Health Science Kimberlee Kelly kikelly@cerrocoso.edu (760) 384-6383
Learning Resource Center Sharlene Paxton sharlene.paxton@cerrocoso.edu (760) 384-6216
Mathematics Steven Rogers strogers@cerrocoso.edu (760) 384-6322
Public Services Peter Fulks peter.fulks@cerrocoso.edu (760) 384-6166
Science Scott Cameron scameron@cerrocoso.edu (760) 384-6143
Social Science Matthew Jones matthew.jones@cerrocoso.edu (760) 384-6267
Visual and Performing Arts Tanner McGuire tanner.mcguire@cerrocoso.edu (760) 384-6195

Faculty Organization Websites

URL Name
www.kccd.edu/human-resources/employee-contracts KCCD CCA
www.cta.org CTA
www.nea.org NEA