Career Center

Welcome to the Cerro Coso Career Center
The mission of Cerro Coso Community College Career Center is to help individuals identify and fulfill their career goals. Aligning with the Cerro Coso Community College's mission statement, the Career Center provides students, alumni, and community members with access to resources and information related to career development. The Career Center serves as a bridge between the college experience and employment.
The Career Center is currently offering both Zoom and in-person appointments. You can either schedule your own appointment via Navigate or contact the career center at Please see the links below to schedule using Navigate.
Thank you for your patience during these ever-changing times.
Schedule an Appointment Using Navigate
How to Schedule an appointment using Navigate
Launch Navigate for Students
Navigate is best viewed when using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
Career Center Workshops
Under construction - check back soon.
Student Employment
Information about on and off campus employment, resources to assist in preparing a resume, and how to register with Jobspeaker and apply for jobs.
Career Exploration
Explore careers, create goals and find the correct educational path to achieve your dream career.
Career Resources
Resources for resume writing, interviewing, and labor market trends.
For Industry Employers
Employers from off campus can post direct recruitment with Jobspeaker and learn more about offering internship opportunities.