Welcome to the Annual Spring Awards Ceremony
May 14, 2021
The Annual Spring Awards provide a time and place for our collective recognition of group and individual achievements of all of those who make Cerro Coso a special place. In this time of social distancing, we have come together from our homes to honor some of the exceptional individuals at Cerro Coso and recognize the tremendous efforts that many have made over the past year.
Student Awards
President's Outstanding Academic Achievement Award
The President's Outstanding Academic Achievement Award is awarded to students who have maintained a cumulative 4.0 grade point average with an acquired minimum of 40 quality points for both the Spring and Fall semesters of 2021.

Athena Baca

Noah Bailey

Madalyn Batchelder

Makenna Batchelder

Granvil Bell III

Eduardo Bribiesca

Christina Cardona

Richard Collins

Sara Deberry

Ryan Dibble

Michael Doerr

Catherine Gacho

Joaquin Garcia Barajas

Madison Grandas

Patrick Griffin

Otto Gubser

Quinn Guzman

Alexander Harmon

Victor Hernandez

Steven Honma

Emily Hunsaker

Brandon Jackson

Michaela Jaks

Tommy Johnson

Sabrina Jones-Farnsworth

Samantha Jones

Satori Kalie

Jehonathan LeBlanc

Nicole Lemons

Mako Lentz

Noa Lish

Lydia Lloyd

Shea Macintire

Gabriel Marez

Carolina Martinez Calderon

Artyom Martirosyan

Troy McDonald

Giovanna Mendez

Wolf Milheim

James Moore

Naomi O'Connor

Sara Orlando

Rylan Orozco

Amelia Plumhoff

Jasmine Ramirez-Garcia

Emily Roman

Joshua Scott

Misty Siebert

Jack Slovacek

Angela TeSlaa

Chelsea Tjaden

Isabella Urbina

Allison Vankirk

Frankie Vazquez

Destin Yent

Bridgette Yocum

David Ziehl
Outstanding Student of the Year in a Subject Area
Recipients of the Outstanding Student of the Year in a Subject Area Award represent the pinnacle of student achievement within a subject area. Students are nominated by their instructors, their attributes and achievements are debated, and the selection for top student is made by vote.
Intissar Awad
I am honored to have Intissar Awad as a student in the VN program. From day one, she showed enthusiasm and a thirst for learning. Intissar is professional and respectful. I appreciate her being prepared for each and every class. She is also attentive and engaged. She has earned the respect of her classmates, as well as, myself. Intissar deserves "Student of the Year" for Allied Health and she will have a tremendous asset to nursing.
Shelly Tannehill RN, MSN
Professor, Allied Health/Nursing
Melissa Reinke
Hello! My name is Matt Hightower and I have the great pleasure of introducing the Outstanding Student of the Year for the Business and Information Technology Department. This year's recipient is Ms. Melissa Reinke. She truly was an outstanding student. She was always very thorough and conscientious. Her work and participation in courses were of the highest quality. And, she earned an ‘A' in all Business and Information Technology courses that she took. Over the past two years, Melissa completed the following degrees and certificates: ·Information Technology Plus, Certificate of Achievement ·Cyber Security Technology, Certificate of Achievement ·Data Analyst I, Certificate of Achievement ·Information Technology, Associate in Science, and Cyber Security Technology, Associate in Science Congratulations and well-done, Melissa!
Kyrie Ogloza
Whether critiquing works in the horror genre or classic texts by Ibsen or Joyce, Kyrie Ogloza's academic writing has shown time and again his ability to look deeply into the thematic truths of literature and to express complex ideas clearly and succinctly. In discussions, his voice carries the weight of insight, and his peers have come to expect not only his own illuminating posts on the topic of the day but also thorough, substantive responses that help to further clarify and develop their own ideas. About the study of English, Ogloza feels that it is essential for “clearly expressing yourself to others as well as comprehending written material” and that “it is invaluable in all fields of study and professions.”
His accomplishments and his desire to converse with and assist others with class topics led to two years of work as an embedded tutor for English 101. In this position, he has become an essential peer resource for students, helping to shed light on material and assignments that may seem confusing or difficult. His insights and clarifications have helped many students to do the best that they can in this foundational college course. Commenting on his own work as an English tutor, Ogloza says that he enjoys “watching how the quality of student work improves” after their meetings.
The English Department acknowledges Ogloza for his exceptional writing, his deep involvement in the communities of his courses, and his contributions to the success of his fellow English students.
Geoffrey Medel
Hello everyone, my name is David Villicana. I am the Industrial Arts Department Chair, and it is my pleasure to announce Mr. Geoffrey Medel as the student of the year for Industrial Arts. Geoffrey has been an outstanding student since day one. Along with being a great student, Geoffrey is also a great classmate, offering help to others. Geoffrey has excelled in every course he has taken in the department. During his time at Cerro Coso, he has been hired as an apprentice at NAWS China Lake. Geoffrey is currently working full-time along with taking evening classes. Now that Geoffrey is completing the Welding Technology Certificate of Achievement, he plans to continue his education and achieve his Associates degree as well. Congratulations Geoffrey on all your achievements and we wish you nothing but success!
Jack Slovacek
The outstanding math student of the year is Jack Slovacek!
Jack enjoys math and plans to continue with it along with engineering when he transfers. He's almost done with the MATH AS-T Degree. He has just a few general education courses remaining. His scores in all of his classes are exceptionally high.
Below are additional comments from instructors in the math department.
“Jack was my Fall 2020 Calc II student. He did not miss a single homework or exam point. His work was perfect. His transcripts reveal that he is a straight-A student in all classes attempted. He has taken Math 121, 141, 142, 151, and 152. This semester he is taking Math 251 and Math 257. He is enrolled in my Fall 2021 Math 255. Mr. Slovacek belongs to a miniscule population whose denizens enjoy doing math. Indeed, this young man eats math classes for breakfast, spits out the bones and shells, and asks for seconds.”
“This talented young man was in my online Statistics class and aced it with a final score of 100%. His online posts demonstrated depth of thought and exceptional critical thinking skills. I had the pleasure of meeting Jack in person and he is a very friendly and polite person. Jack also finds the time to pursue a wide variety of interests in his spare time."
Cami Hales
Kevin Thompson

Daniel Westbrook

Dan is an excellent student and well deserving of this award. His work is always of the highest caliber and demonstrates his passion for cultural anthropology. One of his best qualities is his generosity in the classroom. He supports and encourages his fellow classmates at every opportunity, drawing people into class discussions and motivating other students to do their best. He does this both as a student and in his role as an embedded tutor for anthropology, English, and speech courses.
Dan will be transferring to UCSC in the fall where he will work towards a BA in Anthropology. His ultimate goal is to attend graduate school and pursue a career in teaching. As someone who changed his life through education, he brings a unique perspective that will help him be an empathetic and inspirational instructor. We will see great things from Dan in the future.
Emma Place
I want to commend you for the work you've done this semester! You've been an enthusiastic, insightful, and creative voice in the classroom. You've pushed yourself to produce excellent work, and as someone who is always willing to dive in, to go first, you've set an incredibly high bar for all of us. That tenacity and curiosity is why I nominated you for this prize. I also want to take a moment to acknowledge that you've managed to do all this against a remarkably challenging backdrop. To be such a powerful force, while remote, is no small feat, and I hope you can take a minute to celebrate the fact you've been doing stellar work under the most adverse circumstances. I've no doubt that you'll be able to take your creative style of thinking, your incisive writing, and your passion for learning with you into other courses. It's been an absolute pleasure to get to know you this semester. Now, I hope you get to go enjoy the summer break you have certainly earned!
Pam Coward Memorial Scholarship
Emily Roman

Hi, I am Bill Bloom, director of Admissions, Records, and Financial Aid, here at Cerro Coso Community College. It's an honor and a privilege for me to address one of our student scholars, recipient of the Pam Coward Memorial Scholarship. Pam Coward was a 10 year employee here at Cerro Coso and was known for a passion of higher education, personal integrity, and selflessness. This scholarship is awarded annually to an outgoing Cerro Coso student who exhibits the leadership, passion for education, for which Pam was known.
Emily Roman is the recipient of the Pam Coward Memorial Scholarship. In her scholarship application she talks about seeking to transfer to UCLA major in film. I have every confidence that she will excel and contribute significantly to the academic research and creativity at that school in her area of study: art, media, film, business accounting, and entrepreneurship. Since Fall 2019, she has been a member of the honors program, as well as serving in the community as pathways intern at China Lake Naval Air Weapons Station, helping them develop their media presentations.
It's my distinct pleasure to congratulate Emily on being selected as Pam Coward memorial Scholarship recipient.
Ronald Curtis Wilson Memorial Scholarship
Daniel Westbrook

Hi, I am Bill Bloom, director of Admissions, Records, and Financial Aid, here at Cerro Coso Community College. It's an honor and a privilege for me to address outstanding student scholar of ours, recipient of the Ronald Curtis Wilson Memorial Scholarship. something about Ronald Curtis Wilson was that he was a true patriot. Employee of Naval Air Warfare Center weapons division at China Lake for more than 20 years leading teams of engineers and such diverse projects, vehicle structures, materials, electromagnetic environmental affects, and systems safety engineering, along with many others. Ron exhibited and engineering excellence and his support for STEM students at Cerro Coso.
This year's Ronald Curtis Wilson Memorial Scholarship recipient is Daniel Westbrook. Daniel is seeking to transfer to UC Santa Cruz pursuing studies in sciences focusing on anthropology and archaeology with the end goal of teaching in higher ed as a college professor. Daniel has been active at Cerro Coso serving as a tutor, peer mentor, assisting our students to persist and succeed in their endeavors. This award requires a minimum GPA of 3.5, which Daniel has exceeded while being a non-traditional student, an adult learner, which demands being flexible, balanced, and focused. I have every confidence that Daniel will bring this experience to UC Santa Cruz and contribute and excel to their scholarship and academics while there. Congratulations, Daniel, on the award of this significant scholarship.
Site Student of the Year Awards
Each year, each Cerro Coso Community College site selects one student who represents success at their respective location.
Noa Lish

Noa Lish was nominated and received the most faculty votes for Eastern Sierra College Center Student of the Year for 2020-2021. Noa started taking Cerro Coso courses as a concurrently enrolled high school student, continued taking courses online after graduating from high school, and in Fall 2019 began taking classes on the Bishop campus as an Eastern Sierra Foundation Scholarship recipient. She began working as a student worker on the Bishop campus fielding questions and helping students complete matriculation. She then became the ESCC Bishop Student Ambassador. As Student Ambassador during COVID times, Noa drew upon her experience as an online student to provide support for ESCC on-campus students who suddenly found themselves taking all courses online. She presented stress relief, organization, and motivation workshops during scholarship lunches and brunches; she hosted Student Coffee Breaks to learn more about what support students needed in these unprecedented times; she navigated the CCCC participatory governance process advocating for diversity, equity, and inclusion in curriculum - eventually being appointed to both SSSP and CIC as the student representative; she hosted a virtual tour of the Bishop and Mammoth campuses for incoming students who could not visit during campus closures; and she began working on a presentation with Mono County Health Department about positive consent in intimate sexual relationships. This latest project was motivated by the prospect of being back on campus and students worried about how to have healthy conversations with new partners as their dating lives started to pick back up. And in her spare time, Noa continued to excel in her coursework! If Noa represents the positive force of the next generation, our future is in excellent hands! Congratulations, Noa!
Morgan Green
Hello, my name is Lisa Stephens. My position at Cerro Coso Community College is the Director of East Kern. This position allows me to oversee and supervise several campuses including campuses located in Tehachapi, Kern River Valley, and Edwards Air force Base, along with dual enrollment and face-to-face college programs inside two prison institutions. As the Director of East Kern, I am fortunate to be able to meet and directly work not only with staff, faculty, and community members, but also with our valued students. The process of selecting the Kern River Valley's student of the year is a team effort. Students are nominated and a decision is made as a team for this annual award. From this process, only one student is selected each year to hold the title of Kern River Valley's student of the year. The student that is selected represents the college and campus with honors based on their drive, dedication and overall academic success. For the academic 2020-2021 year, it is with great excitement to announce that Morgan Green is Cerro Coso Community College's Kern River Valley Student of the Year! Morgan started her college pathway at the Kern River Valley campus two years ago. Faculty were very impressed with her focus and academic ability right off the start during her first semester with us. Her academic and exceptional work ethic continued and provided her with an opportunity to work at the campus as a student worker. Her professional abilities shined in that student employment role. Morgan Green graduated with degrees in Liberal Arts: Arts & Humanities and Liberal Arts: Social & Behavioral Sciences. Staff state the following about Morgan, “Morgan is dedicated, reliable, hardworking, and always willing to lend a hand. She is a valued student worker for the KRV site and ISEP. She thrives when challenged and learns new skills with ease. Morgan will succeed in anything she sets her mind to.” Staff, faculty and administration are so proud of Morgan, and wish her the best with her future college and career plans.
Congratulations Morgan and good luck!
Maya Plata
Hello, my name is Lisa Stephens. My position at Cerro Coso Community College is the Director of East Kern. This position allows me to oversee and supervise several campuses including campuses located in Tehachapi, Kern River Valley, and Edwards Air force Base, along with dual enrollment and face-to-face college programs inside two prison institutions. As the Director of East Kern, I am fortunate to be able to meet and directly work not only with staff, faculty, and community members, but also with our valued students. The process of selecting the East Kern student of the year is a team effort. Students are nominated by faculty and a decision is made as a team for this annual award. From this process, only one student is selected each year to hold the title of East Kern student of the year. The student that is selected represents the college and campus with honors based on their drive, dedication and overall academic success. For the academic 2020-2021 year, it is with great excitement to announce that Maya Plata is Cerro Coso Community College's East Kern Student of the Year! Maya started her college pathway as a concurrent enrollment high school junior at the Tehachapi campus two years ago. Faculty were very impressed with her focus and academic ability right off the start during her first semester at Cerro Coso and staff truly enjoyed seeing Maya on campus and at school events. Faculty and staff stated the following about Maya, “Maya was always so willing to help with our different events when we were on campus such as Junior/Senior Day Open Houses. Her participation and help were greatly appreciated.” For the next two years, Maya worked diligently and became a successful college student once again while being a junior and senior in high school. Maya Plata is graduating with degree in Liberal Arts: Arts & Humanities and will be obtaining this college degree before she receives her high school diploma. Her future plans are to explore the work of acting and theater and transfer to Cal State Long Beach so that she can earn a bachelor's degree. Staff, faculty, administration are so proud of Maya, and wish her the best with her future college and career plans.
Congratulations, Maya and good luck!
Tutor of the Year
The Learning Assistance Center's team of tutors is made up of faculty-selected students. From their classes, faculty identify students they believe would have an impact on future students taking their course. The tutor of the year is strong student who exhibits compassion and commitment to others.
Coby Roberts

The Tutor of the Year award is presented to a peer tutor who embodies the characteristics that make up an excellent tutor: patience, empathy, kindness, subject area expertise, and excellent communication skills.
This year's tutor of the year is Coby Roberts. For the past two years, Coby has received recommendations from multiple faculty to tutor numerous courses: BIO 251 and 255; CHEM 101, 113, and 223; ENGL 70 and 101; HIST 131 and 132; MATH 55, 141, 142, and 151; as well as POLS 101. Not only has he tutored in all of these areas, but he has also worked in the Math and Writing lab where he has frequently worked with multiple students, in varying subjects, at the same time. Additionally, he has filled a role as an embedded tutor in both English and Math classes.
Here is what some of the students he has worked with said about him:
"Coby Roberts is the best chemistry tutor I've had at Cerro Coso. He takes the time to make sure the student understands the material and breaks down the information in a way that is easy to understand."
"Coby was a wonderful tutor throughout the semester. He is highly knowledgeable and made all concepts simple to understand. I attribute a large part of my success in passing the course to all his tutoring. He answered all my questions and broke down concepts to assist me. I am very grateful to have had such a wonderful tutor this semester!"
It my pleasure to name Coby Roberts, Tutor of the Year. Coby, you've done tremendous work at Cerro Coso. Best of luck to you as you continue your educational Journey at UCLA.
It's an honor to recognize Coby Roberts for Tutor of the Year. I've had the pleasure of working with Coby for the past two years in the LAC and he is great with drop-ins, one-on-one appointments, small groups, large groups, and embedded tutoring. Coby is very patient, enthusiastic, flexible, and he always encourages study strategies with independence. Coby has great communication skills with the ability to help students visualize and understand step-by-step concepts in a variety of subjects. Talk about subjects, Coby can tutor English, Anatomy, Physiology, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Math, History, and Political Science. The most remarkable characteristic of Coby Roberts is his ability to listen and teach the students how to learn. Congratulations Coby for Tutor of the Year. We wish you the Best&elips;Good Luck at UCLA in the fall.
—Sherri Windish, LAC Office Supervisor
Cerro Coso Community College Foundation, Inc. Awards
Hello, I am Derek Hu, president of the Cerro Coso community college foundation. it is a great Day to be a coyote! I want to congratulate each of you. Our work at the foundation supported your journey by providing scholarships, special grants, conference opportunities, incentives, and recognition and awards. I am humbled by what you have done with them or done to earn them. through hard work and perseverance, you have achieved your dream of a college education. You now join the ranks of college alumni. You are forever a coyote. It is with great pride that I say, congratulations!
Foundation President's Award
These recipients have maintained a cumulative 4.0 G.P.A. to meet all graduation requirements.

Athena Baca

Madalyn Batchelder

Makenna Batchelder

Catherine Gacho

Emily Hunsaker

Samantha Jones

Velma Kinney

Makenna Kumlue

Janis Kunz

Jennifer Kunz

Isla Lackey

Nicole Lemons

Troy McDonald

Allison Vankirk

Julissa Villalobos
Student-Athlete Academic Achievement Award
Each year the Cerro Coso Community College Foundation presents an award to the student athlete who has the highest G.P.A. and who acheives excellent physical accomplishments along with scholastic honors.
Michael Doerr

I also have the privilege of recognizing another outstanding student this year. Our student athlete recognition is given to the graduating Cerro Coso athlete who has the highest grade point average. His name is engraved on a perpetual trophy displayed in the gymnasium, he receives a monetary award, and certificate as well. This year's student athlete is Michael Doerr (baseball). Thank you all for making Cerro Coso an outstanding and special place. Congratulations to you all!
Awards for Teaching Excellence
The following award recipients have been selected by students for excellence in the classroom.
Matt Jones

Lincoln Johnson