'Denim and Diamonds’ Raises Estimated $20K for Cerro Coso Foundation

The Denim and Diamonds Gala April 6 at the campus Learning Resource Center raised an estimated $20K for the Cerro Coso Foundation. (The exact number is yet to be determined and includes a pledge from Ridgecrest Mayor Eric Bruen, who spoke about his journey as a CCCC alum.)
The iconic fundraiser made its triumphant return after a five-year hiatus, serving up an evening with cowboy boots and bling – not to mention signature cocktails and even “Cowboy coffee” from a real chuckwagon parked outdoors.
In attendance were CCCC leaders past and present, including founding President Dr. Richard Jones, President Dr. Sean Hancock and Kern Community College District Chancellor Dr. Steven Bloomberg.
The foundation was established in 1977, four years after the college was founded in 1973. The foundation’s mission is to support access, success and excellence for students, faculty and staff at Cerro Coso Community College.
1) Dr. Sean Hancock (l) and Dr. Richard Jones – Cerro Coso’s current and founding
presidents, respectively – raise a glass to toast 50 years of history April 6 at Denim
& Diamonds at CCCC’s Learning Resource Center.
2) (l-r) Michaela Metcalf, CCCC Foundation Executive Director Kim Metcalf and Chandler
Steele from CCCC enjoy the Denim & Diamonds fundraiser.