December Student Spotlight on Jocelyn, class of 2023!
Meet an enthusiastic and friendly member of the Cerro Coso Tehachapi campus: Jocelyn! She will graduate in the Spring of 2023 with three degrees: an AA-T in Psychology, an AA in Liberal Arts: Arts and Humanities, and an AA in Liberal Arts: Social and Behavioral Sciences. She recently applied to a few colleges and hopes to transfer to her #1 choice: California State University, Monterey Bay as a Psychology Major! Jocelyn earns money as a student worker at Cerro Coso, and also volunteers in the Promise Program, a scholarship program at Cerro Coso. Jocelyn has this to say about her Cerro Coso experience:

“When I first started at Cerro Coso in Tehachapi, I tried to work full-time AND go to school, but I couldn't keep up! I quit working and focused on just studying. Then last year, I felt ready to work again. I heard from my brother, who went to Cal State Chico, about being a student worker. Once I started doing that, it's worked out really well, because the school is flexible with my class schedule.”
“Cerro Coso allowed me to explore my career options without financial pressure or racking up debt. At first, I wanted to do Early Childhood Education, but after taking some classes, I realized it wasn't for me. I went on and tried different subjects, but when I took my first Psychology class, it really clicked for me! I realized I still wanted to be in a school environment, but not necessarily teaching.”
"Cerro Coso gives you a good idea of what a university will be like. You know, it's like baby steps going from high school, then to community college, then on to a state university. CC gives you that time to figure out what you wanna do, and what you want to be, when it's time for you to move on to university.”
“For me personally, I had to do online school for three years because the pandemic started when I was in the middle of high school. Because I was excelling, I decided to graduate from Tehachapi High School a year early and start at Cerro Coso. CC helped me get used to a college workload of homework and studying. And once school started in-person again, it gave me time to get used to that as well.”
“Because I graduated early from high school, the majority of my friends were still in high school. Luckily, because the class sizes are small at Cerro Coso Tehachapi, it was easy for me to meet people and make great friends in my college classes. It's really nice and important to have friends who understand the workload and the busy schedule, because we're all in the same boat as working college students.”
“I'd like to give a shout-out to Karee Hamilton, my counselor, and Heather Bopp for helping me get into the Promise Program. They've been very helpful to me and my classmates. I'd also like to show appreciation to my Mom! She's very understanding and supportive of my education. I'm really hard on myself, and she always assures me that I'm doing the best I can.”
Jocelyn has these words of wisdom for new and current students:
“My main advice is make connections with students and faculty, because when I was in high school, it was drilled into me that college professors don't care as much. When I started at Cerro Coso, I didn't ask for help in the beginning, thinking, “I'm an adult and they won't help me," but it's not like that at all! It's such a tight and close community here in Tehachapi, so they really do want you to succeed. In the time I've been here, I've seen how professors and staff take the time to help all students succeed.”
“Don't be shy, ask for help! Know that it's okay to take your time and explore your options, because that's what community college is for. It's trial and error: find what works with your schedule, and what your priorities are. You may pursue a subject that you find you don't enjoy, and then you'll take other classes and realize that THIS is what I really want to do! Stay open, and good luck!”