Pink Ladies Auxiliary Award Scholarships to Cerro Coso Nursing Students

Caption: (left to right) Kimjoy Terrado, Abigail Serna, June Wasserman, Kamryn Jimenez, Irene Avelino.
June Wasserman, Scholarship Committee Chairwoman of the Pink Ladies Auxiliary at Ridgecrest Regional Hospital, presented Jan Hoagland Vocational Nursing Scholarships to Cerro Coso nursing students Irene Avelino, Kamryn Jimenez, Abigail Serna, and Kimjoy Terrado.
These graduating Cerro Coso Community College vocational nursing students each received a $500 check from the Pink Ladies Auxiliary.
Founded by Jan Hoagland in 1958, the Pink Ladies Auxiliary raises money to fund these scholarships. Their efforts support Ridgecrest Regional Hospital's mission to provide outstanding healthcare in our community.