Update 1/19/2021 for Faculty

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Update 1/19/2021

Good afternoon, Cerro Coso Instructors,

You are receiving this email because you are teaching at least one class that wholly or partially in-person at one of our campus locations for the spring semester. Some of you are veterans from last semester's in-person classes. Some of you are new. For everyone, there are two important things to know:

  1. As of right now, the college is continuing to use the same system it used in the fall semester to ensure that students, faculty, and staff are playing a role in keeping our communities as safe as possible under the circumstances. If you are a veteran of last semester, please know that we are starting the semester on exactly the same system. The database is being updated this morning for the new semester, so you should begin receiving emails from students submitting their Student Coming to Campus forms. Note that while *you* may be used to the system, it's likely that you'll have students who aren't. You might take a few minutes out of your first day class time to go over the form, the process, the protocols, and the expectations you have of students and students can have of you. If you are teaching in this environment for the first time, please see the information below.
  2. I say “as of right now,” because the college is on track to move to a new system shortly. We are doing this in large part because of the robust expectations coming down from government and health agencies about the need to effectively contact-trace. Please know that as we cut over to the new system, you and your students will get plenty of communication. In the end (fingers crossed), it will be a much easier system on the faculty side. For the time being, though—to open up the spring semester—we are sticking with the old system.

If you are teaching in this environment for the first time, your role as a faculty member is governed in part by the COVID-19 Reopening Protocols established by Cerro Coso Community College and made available on its website and also in part by the COVID-19 Fall and Spring memoranda of understanding between Kern Community College District and the Community College Association.

If you have any questions whatsoever about implementing these protocols or would like personalized training in the role and expectations of faculty members, please reach out to Kevin King, Cerro Coso Community College's safety and security manager.

According to the protocols, the faculty member's role as an employee in maintaining a safe and healthful working environment is by

  • Following safe practices as communicated to them
  • Reporting hazardous conditions related to potential transmission of the COVID-19 virus.
  • Staying home and reporting to their supervisor if they exhibit symptoms of COVID-19, have a positive COVID-19 test, or have been exposed to a known or suspected case.

You can carry out this role effectively in the classroom by ensuring

  • Students know the modified path of travel to, from, and within the classroom
  • Students observe social distancing and stay 6 feet apart at all times
  • Students are aware of the expectation to wear masks at all times in all public spaces at the college (including classrooms)
  • You yourself complete a pre-screening before coming to campus
  • You submit an Employee Coming to Campus form every time you come to campus unless you successfully completed training last semester

The following specific protocols for managing in-person classes at Cerro Coso Community College remain in effect until further notice:

  • At the classroom door, faculty will ensure that each student has submitted the Student Campus Visit form and take temperatures before admitting students to the classroom.
    • Students shall be turned away if they have not submitted the form (students on the first day may need some training on the forms and process)
    • Students shall be turned away and told college human resources or campus security will call them if they answer in any of the following patterns:
      • If they answer YES to “Cared for or had close contact with a person who has tested positive for COVID-19 or been notified that you may have been exposed to it?”
      • If they answer YES to “Have you been asked to self-isolate or quarantine by a medical professional or a local public health official?”
      • If they answer NO to either of those two questions but YES to having more than one or more symptoms
    • Students shall be turned away if their temperature exceeds 100.4.
    • Once a student has been turned away, the instructor shall notify college human resources or Campus Safety for follow up to determine return-to-campus criteria based on the student's responses.
    • Attendance must be taken during each class. If an individual is diagnosed with COVID-19, HR directives shall be implemented as detailed in the subsequent section.
  • In any situation where the instructor has determined that the student should not be in attendance, and the individual does not comply with their request or becomes agitated or belligerent, he or she shall be removed from campus pursuant to the student conduct policy.
    • An instructor can remove a student from the current and the next class meeting, at his or her discretion.
    • If assistance is needed, the faculty member should notify Campus Safety.
    • A student's failure to comply with the directives of Campus Safety may result in a request for assistance from local law enforcement and a referral to the vice president of student services pursuant to the student conduct policy.
    • The faculty or staff member shall notify the vice president of student services. Any removal of a student from class or campus requires that the vice president of student services be notified immediately.
  • Sick faculty, staff, or students shall not return to in-person classes or any college facilities, or end isolation until they have been properly cleared as indicated below

If you have specific questions about training, contact tracing, where to get a thermometer, or expectations under the protocols, please reach out to myself, Kevin King, Resa Hess, or your educational administrator. In addition, if you have any concern about compliance with these healthy hygiene practices on campus—anything you observe or hear about—an email has been created to bring this concern to the attention of the Response Team: cc_covid19@listserv.cerrocoso.edu.


Thank you,

Corey Marvin

Vice President of Instruction