NEW! Cerro Coso Community College is offering a welding course over the summer at the Ridgecrest Campus.
Perfect for high school students or those wanting to take summer courses for enrichment.
WELD C101 - CRN 51019 Oxyacetylene Welding will meet with instructor David Villicana on Mondays and Wednesdays from 5 - 10 p.m. Class starts June 7th and ends July 30. Register early. Space is limited.
Welding is one of the few career choices that is in high demand at all times. Since welders are needed in almost every industry, it gives them the flexibility to switch industries without changing careers. A Hobart Institute of Welding survey of more than 200 manufacturers and fabricators revealed that their No. 1 concern is the lack of trained welding operators nationwide.
Real jobs need real skills! The Welding Technology Program at Cerro Coso trains students in multiple welding processes and is designed to prepare them for an entry level position in diverse fields. Safe and clean work habits are practices and personal protective equipment is required. Career areas in which welders work include: mining, manufacturing, marine welding, ship building, metal art sculpting, machine shops, construction, railroads, automotive, as well as the aircraft, aerospace, and renewal energy industries. The possibilities are endless!
Cerro Coso Community College is now registering for summer and fall 2021 classes. Space is limited. Register today online at www.cerrocoso.edu or call the Counseling Department at (760) 384-6219.
Summer classes begin as early as May 17 and Fall classes begin August 23, 2021. What's stopping you?