“When I enrolled at Cerro Coso in 2015, I knew I wanted to transfer to the University of California system. Although I didn’t initially know what school I wanted to transfer to and for what, the professors and classes at Cerro Coso gave me the clarity to determine my path to success. As a Cerro Coso student, I had the same opportunities a student at a university would have to pursue internships, research, and fun extracurricular activities. After saving thousands of dollars in tuition and earning the right units, I transferred to UCLA and graduated in 2020 with my B.A. in political science. Upon graduation in June, I moved across the country to work on a grassroots campaign in New Hampshire where I served as the Director of Outreach and coordinated over 40,000 individual voter contacts. I am excited to announce my next career step is in an administrative role with Goldman Sachs Private Wealth Management in Boston.”
Alumni Spotlight: Kelsey’s Story