High School Students Can Earn College Credit: Find Out How

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Cerro Coso Community College is hosting a parent night on Tuesday, May 12 at from 6 to 7:30 p.m. via Zoom. 

If you are the parent of a junior or senior in high school, find out how your student can get a head start in earning college credits before they leave high school, ultimately making their college experience more affordable, efficient, and enriching.

Cerro Coso Community College offers dual and concurrent enrollment programs for high school students throughout its service area.   

Find out more about both programs, processes, and how it can benefit your high school student's future.

Parents are being asked to pre-register for the Zoom meeting at https://cccconfer.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwrf-iuqTgiHdAm7QQ1P3gbzGrQuIiwdseB

For more information contact the College Outreach Office at (760) 384-6219 or email outreach@cerrocoso.edu .

Cerro Coso is now registering for summer and fall classes.