COVID-19 Reopening Protocols

Cerro Coso Students:
Fall 2020 is about to begin! We are glad you have chosen to take classes with us and either begin or continue your college education. As you know, it will look different than in previous semesters. Part of that will be the Cerro Coso's Reopening Protocols for Fall 2020, which have been finalized and are now posted to the college website on the new COVID-19 Resource Page.
As boring as it sounds, I highly encourage you to read the entire document, even if you are planning to take only online or scheduled Zoom classes. Some of it will be unfamiliar to you, all of it will be required at any point you may have a reason or opportunity to come to campus, so give yourself a head start.
The official details--while the primary purpose and importance is the safety and health of our students and employees, these protocols are also required for insurance and liability purposes. These protocols come from the guidelines received from the Statewide Association of Community Colleges (SWACC), who has provided comprehensive guidance related to reopening for California Community Colleges. Guidance for Institutions of Higher Education and reviewed by the Kern County Public Health Services.
Important highlights:
- Until further notice, face coverings are to be worn in all public spaces at the college by all faculty, staff, and students (classrooms, hallways, restrooms, offices visited by the public, etc.) in line with the same requirements state-wide for all workers and members of the public. Masks must be worn appropriately (fully covering the nose and mouth) at all times;
- Until further notice, all students and staff intending to visit a Cerro Coso Community
College campus for any reason whatsoever—including classes and scheduled work hours—must
complete an on-campus visit form prior to every arrival on campus. These forms let
college personnel like Campus Security and Maintenance and Operations know who is
on campus in case of emergency. They also require the individual to affirm that they
are free of COVID symptoms at the time of their visit and that they agree to abide
by the protocols and healthy hygiene practices described in this document;
- The form for students will be in effect starting Thursday, August 20 until further notice. It can be accessed by a link provided by the class instructor if you are taking a class in-person at any of our campus locations. If you are coming onto campus for some other reason (such as to receive in-person tutoring help), it will be provided by the person or office you have made an appointment with;
- Students who are at a higher risk for severe illness should not take any in-person courses at Cerro Coso during the fall 2020 semester but should continue making progress on their educational goals through courses offered online or through scheduled Zoom. Contact the counseling office at (760) 384-6219 or counseling_forms@cerrocoso.eduto discuss your options;
- Student support services such as counseling, advising, financial aid, admissions and records, outreach, and Access programs will continue to occur virtually unless or until restrictions are lifted;
- Learning support services such as library and proctoring will continue to occur virtually unless or until restrictions are lifted;
- Tutoring services will be offered at the Ridgecrest, Lake Isabella, and Tehachapi learning assistance centers in limited amounts on an appointment basis and require face coverings and social distancing. Visit the Cerro Coso LAC website for more information and to request virtual or in-person tutoring help. Students must complete the Student Campus Visit form prior to arrival;
- Need a quiet place to study or work on course assignments? Open lab availability for individual study will be offered at the Ridgecrest, Lake Isabella, Tehachapi, Bishop, and Mammoth LAC's in limited amounts on an appointment basis and require face coverings and social distancing; Students must complete the Student Campus Visit form prior to arrival;
- Until further notice, any face-to-face meeting between students and a faculty member or other employee will be pre-arranged by appointment only and will take place in the learning assistance center (LAC), one-stop shop, or other public space sufficiently sized to maintain social distancing. There will be no drop in hours for any college service. Please contact the college by phone, email, or web form to discuss how we can serve you best!
- Until further notice, all common spaces will be closed. All tables and chairs have been removed from spaces where individuals may gather, including the student center and the library. There will be an exception for appointment-based use of the LAC's;
- Parking permits will not be enforced on the Ridgecrest campus for Fall 2020. (Though citations may be issued for illegal parking);
- The CC Bookstore at the Ridgecrest campus will remain closed through fall 2020. Bookstore services are being provided virtually to Cerro Coso students through the Cerro Coso Bookstore website;
- Pony Espresso at the Ridgecrest campus will remain closed through fall 2020;
- Students or staff who believe they have been exposed to COVID should contact any of
the following:
- Human Resources
- Campus Security
- Your Instructor (students)
Because student and staff safety is the highest priority for us, an email account has been created if you have any questions or concerns about COVID-19, the college's response, or compliance with the protocols:
Note that theCerro Coso Fall 2020 Reopening Protocols are a living document. As has been true throughout this event, changes will be made as conditions continue to evolve. We are continuing to work with Mono and Inyo county departments of public health for their feedback. While we are not expecting significant changes, they may have particular items they would like addressed more fully. Please do not hesitate to ask questions and/or for clarification.
Need a laptop for taking classes? We got you! You can request a laptop at: CC Laptop Lending Program
In spite of current challenges, we are anticipating an excellent fall semester and are glad to have you here for it!