Planning for Your Exit

Emergency Exit Do Not Block

While it may seem like common sense, California Code of Regulations contains specific regulations related to emergency exits. Access to exits must be free of all obstructions or impediments. When exits are not immediately accessible from an open floor plan, safe and continuous passageways, aisles, or corridors leading to those exits must be clear of all obstructions. No hangings or draperies shall be placed over exit doors or otherwise located as to conceal or obscure any exit. No mirrors shall be placed on exit doors or adjacent to any exit. Once you exit the building, do not block roadways or driveways.

It is not just Maintenance & Operations responsibility to ensure that exits are clear, it is everyone's responsibility. If you notice an exit, aisle, or hallway that is blocked, please submit a Safety and Security request or a School Dude request.

Although we have primary evacuation routes and emergency exits, please take time to familiarize yourself with other exits in the event that the evacuation route and/or emergency exit is blocked.

When we have events on our campus, attendees may not be familiar with our facilities. An important aspect of planning a college-sponsored event is rating the capacity of the facility hosting the event. Overcrowding must be avoided and adequate procedures for controlling the numbers of persons attending an event must be in place.

Limits are predetermined for each room/area used for events at Cerro Coso Community College. If you are unsure of a room/area capacity, you should contact your Administrator or the Director of Maintenance and Operations as soon as planning of the event begins. Furniture should not be removed or brought in to an area in order to boost capacity above the agreed limit. If furniture is brought in to reach the assigned capacity, it should never block or impede established exit routes or doors.

Event leaders must ensure adequate stewardship is provided to prevent the permitted location capacity from being exceeded. In addition, event leaders must be sure to prevent stairs, passageways and entrances from becoming blocked. Stewards must be given the authority to refuse entry when the maximum capacity has been reached.

Report blocked exit, aisle, or hallway.
Asset Essentials

Preventing Hazards... Like Him (Fire Exits)