Students Form New Computer Technology Club

Students Form New Computer Technology Club.

CCCC students have formed a new Computer Technology Exploration Club (CTEC), a highly interactive group dedicated to education and exploration of computers. “All majors will use technology in their chosen field so we encourage all students to come”, said Valerie Karnes, Club Advisor. CTEC officers are Thomas Worden (President), Henry Palacios (Vice President), Emily Seals (Secretary) and Paula Ash (Treasurer). All are welcome!

Their first meeting and activity was held on Saturday, February 24th, at the Ridgecrest campus. Students talked about what they wanted to explore followed by a hands-on, interactive activity. The focus for February's activities was basic computer hardware (taking apart computers, using tools, connecting devices) and troubleshooting basic problems. All local computer adjunct faculty attended (Chris Harper, Keith Bennett, John Bradley, Kevin Hise) to meet with students and guide them through the hands-on portion of the meeting. Lockheed Martin Ridgecrest Manager Michael Ronan also attended and answered questions about jobs in the field.

The mission of the new club is to explore technology by discussing and reviewing new products and videogames and learning about new technology as it is being introduced into the market. Students benefit from the structure of the club, the social interaction, and the emphasis on teamwork.