The Prison University Project San Quentin hosted a statewide education and training conference for practitioners of in-prison higher education, as well as others who are interested in learning more about the field. The East Kern team had the opportunity to visit the college program inside San Quentin State Prison, facilitated by the Prison University Project, and met with formerly incarcerated students and representatives from leading local reentry organizations. Training topics included establishing core values for in-prison higher education programs: excellence, inclusivity, standards, and accountability; what teachers and staff need to know about the prison environment; navigating prison rules and procedures related to materials, supplies, and equipment; and decoding CDCR policy and practices related to printed materials, films, etc. The President's Office, CTE, and Student Equity made it possible for the Cerro Coso team of administration, faculty, and classified to attend.
East Kern Team Returns from San Quentin