College Alumni to host Zombie Fun Run

Zombie Fun Run

An epidemic is coming to Cerro Coso Community College. The Zombie infection is spreading and projected to reach the college on Saturday, October 27, 2018 when the College Alumni Association will host their first Zombie Fun Run.

The college is recruiting for both zombies and runners for the event. The goal for runners is to reach the Drop Dead Zone (Cerro Coso track), without losing all their flags and becoming infected with the Zombie virus. Zombies will be stationed throughout the course and participants will be required to complete a task in Zombie Zones to move on in the course. You never know where they will show up. They will try to infect you so be quick to dodge the crawling, creeping, and running Zombies.

Those interested in being zombies will be required to provide their own costumes and make-up, yell and make scary noises (no profanity allowed), follow the directions for movement limitations provided, and are not allowed to touch or tackle participants. Zombies will try to remove flags from participants.

Runners should wear appropriate attire for running/walking including shoes. If wearing a costume, please make sure it does not impede the ability to run/walk safely or impact anyone else. NO WEAPONS of ANY KIND will be allowed. No touching zombies. Run for your lives....and have lots of fun.

For all the non-participants out there, interested in assisting there is a place for you as well. Assistance is needed the day of the event with set up, tear down, registration etc.

The run will take place from 12 - 2 p.m. concluding on the college track where there will be awards, music, refreshments, and photo booth. A drawing will be held for four tickets to Six Flags Magic Mountain. The more flags a runner completes the course with the more chances to win. Tickets are $10 per runner and Cerro Coso Alumni can receive a 50% discount off online registration by submitting an information survey on the website. Children participating in this race must be supervised at all times. All participants will be required to sign a liability waver (under 16 will require parent signature). A limited number of Fun-Run t-shirts are available for $20.

More information, tickets, sign-up, and t-shirts available online at

Experience the thrills of being chased by bloodthirsty zombies on this one of a kind 5K course through the college campus. For more information call the College Alumni Office at (760) 384-6260. Will you survive the zombie apocalypse?