
Cerro Coso Ridgecrest/IWV main parking lot.

New Parking System

We recently completed the transition to a new, all-in-one parking system from Parking Management Bureau (PMB). The new system includes "single sign-on" which is a fancy way of saying that you will be able to login using the same credentials you use for insideCC. The new system also simplifies the information you enter to obtain a permit.


What does this mean for you? Ordering parking permits will be more streamlined and much easier. We are also working hard to provide as much flexibility as possible as we all transition to the new system. We're here for you!

Order Parking Permit

Ready to order? Visit CC Parking Permits to get your permit.

To ensure a seamless process in obtaining your parking permit follow these steps:

  1. Students, complete the Fall 2024 Update Form.
  2. Go to Inside CC,
  3. Select MyBanWeb,
  4. Then select Update Form (under Class Information in the drop-down menu)

If you need assistance, contact IWV Campus Safety & Security at (760) 384-6111.

Parking Regulations

Vehicles possessing a valid State Disabled Person Placard and/or temporary campus disabled parking permit do not require a parking permit. Those persons may park in any disabled parking space on campus or in any other parking space where parking is permitted. 

All other vehicles must have a parking permit.

Vehicles must be parked in designated parking areas, within the two painted lines and not over the front painted limit line.

Vehicles must be operated in a safe manner.

No person shall drive, park or leave standing any motor vehicle, motorcycle, moped or motor driven cycle upon any area not designated for motor vehicle use including lawn, athletic field, practice area, or sidewalk.

Parking Defined: To park or leave standing any type vehicle, whether occupied or not, other than for the purpose of, or while actually engaged in, loading or unloading passengers and/or equipment. Vehicles shall not be parked or left standing, even though occupied by driver and/or passenger, in a loading zone, disabled zone, limited-time zone, or any other limited or restricted parking zone, other than that time specified by sign and/or curb markings, or areas not designated for use.

$25.00 minimum fine for citations issued for parking violations.

Cerro Coso Community College is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged property.

Regulations are subject to change.

Parking Ticket Appeals Process

Appeals for parking citations issued by Cerro Coso Community College via Parking Management Bureau (PMB) must be submitted within 21 days of the date of the citation. Cerro Coso Community College has no obligation to respond to appeals received more than 21 days after the date of the citation.

To appeal a citation, visit PMB Parking Ticket Dispute, call 1 (800) 700-4417, or mail your appeal to the PMB address listed on the Parking Ticket Dispute webpage. You will have the opportunity to submit supporting documents with your appeal.

Important Information

  • Parking Management Bureau is a citation processor and will not be reviewing your request.
  • The enforcement agency will review and make the determination within 21 days of your submission.
  • If more than 21 days have passed and you have not received a determination, contact Parking Management Bureau by calling 1 (800) 700-4417.
  • Check the status of your dispute by searching for your ticket on the PMB website.

First Level Dispute Forms

You are entitled to participate in a 3-stage dispute process, per CVC 40200. If the statutory time limits for the filing in each stage are not met, the opportunity to appeal is revoked, and all parking penalties, and late fees must be paid. All initial disputes must be submitted online within 21 days from when the ticket was issued or 14 days from the mailing date of the delinquency notice (CVC 40215a). If you have already paid the fine, you have waived your right to dispute.

  • A confirmation will appear on your screen after you successfully disputed your citation, and you will also receive a confirmation email.
  • Check your email settings to ensure the determination results do not go to your JUNK FOLDER.

Second Level Dispute Forms

A second level dispute must be submitted within 21 days from receiving the determination of your first level dispute. Download the Second Level Dispute Form on this PMB webpage.

You must submit evidence and supporting documentation. Examples of evidence: copies of parking permit or disabled placards, documents or testimony of witnesses, photographs of the location where the vehicle was parked showing relevant signs posted or curb striping.

  • Print and mail form to PMB with applicable evidence and a check in the amount of the fine for each ticket being disputed. This is a required deposit by law that will be held until a determination is reached. If dismissed, the deposit will be returned to you.
  • If you are unable to send the required deposit, Financial Hardship Waiver must be submitted in place of the deposit, along with the required supporting documents. It will be approved or denied by the hearing examiner. If denied, a deposit will be due immediately.

The issuing enforcement agency will contact you to schedule a hearing within 90 days. If more than 90 days have passed, contact PMB 1-800-700-4417.

A hearing shall be conducted within the jurisdiction of the issuing agency. If an issuing agency contracts with an administrative provider, hearings shall be held within the jurisdiction of the issuing agency or within the county of the issuing agency (CVC 40215).

Check the status of your request by searching for your ticket on the PMB website. If the status reads “Administrative Hearing/Court,” the hearing is in the process of being scheduled by the agency pending determination.

Third Level Dispute Forms

If you wish to pursue this matter further, you are responsible for filing a dispute with the court in the county where your parking ticket was issued. You must also notify PMB by mail within 30 days of the hearing examiner’s decision if you choose this option. The court requires a $25 processing fee.

The revenue generated by parking fees can ONLY be used for building, operating, maintaining, and providing security for parking facilities on campus.