Campus Life

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Library Workshop: APA in a Nutshell


First-Gen Ice Cream Social


Cerro Coso students.

Student Activities Program

The purpose of the Student Activities Program is to provide students with an environment in which to enhance identification, affiliation, friendship, and responsibility; to assist with the delivery of services which will facilitate the completion of educational goals; and to provide students with an organization through which they may have self-governance and participate in co-curricular and extracurricular activities.

The Student Government of Cerro Coso (SGCC) is the official student organization, with membership open to all students. The SGCC, through its governing body, the Student Senate, promotes the Student Activities Program at the college. A system of self-government has been established by which the students, through democratic action, formulate and execute resolutions and programs and prepare the student body's annual budget. Students have the opportunity to serve as a club representative or student Senator, to hold office, and to join other college student organizations.

Cerro Coso Community College students can purchase the ASB Sticker each semester at the time of registration. Those funds, in turn, support the Student Activities Program which benefits the college and contributes to the welfare of all students. Members are also entitled to reduced or free admission to various on-campus and off-campus events sponsored by the SGCC and discounts at various local businesses.

Student Ambassadors

Student Ambassadors are a group of students who are committed to serving as emissaries for the college. By joining and becoming a Student Ambassador, students are demonstrating their willingness to share Cerro Coso's goals and vision with college visitors, new students, and the community.

Participation in this program is an opportunity for current Cerro Coso students to show pride in their school while making an impact on the lives of individuals who are planning for a college education. Being a Student Ambassador is a challenging and rewarding educational opportunity with a truly positive and memorable experience.

Benefits of Becoming a Student Ambassador

These are paid positions. Additional benefits include:

  • Opportunity to further develop leadership skills
  • Extracurricular activities to report on college and scholarship applications
  • Development of skills that will transfer to other employment opportunities
  • Interact with students and faculty in weekly meetings

Want to Join?

Eligibility: Students must:

  • Have a high level of commitment to Cerro Coso Community College
  • Have and maintain a grade point average of 2.50 and maintain part-time enrollment in a minimum of 6 units
  • Demonstrate leadership skills
  • Demonstrate effective communication skills
  • Have an outgoing personality and professional appearance
  • Be available for a 30 minute interview and monthly meetings (in person or by phone)

What We Do

Common College events that Student Ambassadors will be asked to participate in are:

  • Representing Cerro Coso at community and on-campus events
  • Accompanying recruitment personnel on high school visits
  • Leading campus tours
  • Assisting with new student orientations
  • Participating on student discussion panels
  • Speaking to groups regarding items of special interest to Cerro Coso
  • Participating in mass media projects, allowing the college and the PIO office to interview, photograph, or videotape you for a variety of different marketing strategies

How to Apply

  • Complete and sign the Student Ambassador application.
  • Submit the application by visiting the Student Activities Office (IWV Campus, Main Building, Student Center) or emailing the application to using your Cerro Coso student email address
  • Participate in a 30 minute interview with the Director of Outreach Services

Applications become available in late March. If you have questions, please contact the Student Activities Office at (760) 384-6353 or email Franki Gregor, Director, Outreach Services at