Cerro Coso Email Addresses

Enrolled Cerro Coso students are now assigned @email.cerrocoso.edu email address.

All Cerro Coso students are being assigned a college email. Your college email will be assigned through your InsideCC Account. This will be the only address that the college and college professors will use to communicate with you.

Your Cerro Coso email account be used for:

  • Communication from Cerro Coso Community College, your college professors, financial aid, and other college faculty and staff will be sent to your Cerro Coso email account.
  • Waitlist Communication - if you try to register for a class and it is full, you have the option of adding yourself to the waitlist for the class. This can be done from InsideCC. If you are added to the class, you will be notified only through your Cerro Coso email.

Accessing your Cerro Coso Email Account

  • Go to InsideCC.
  • Enter your Email Account Name and your Password.
  • Click on the email icon in the top right-hand corner.
  • Remember to check your email often.

Forwarding Your Email to Another Account

Follow these directions or contact Tech Support.

Help! I can't remember my email account name

KCCD has a process for looking up your email address if you forget it. Please go to https://uam.kccd.edu/ and follow the instructions for looking up your email address.

Help! I forgot my password

KCCD has a process for resetting your password if you forget it. Please go to https://uam.kccd.edu/ and follow the instructions for resetting your password.

How do I use the college wi-fi?

Follow these directions

Need More Help?

Contact Tech Support.